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The Second Prussian Fireside Chat: New Administration for HL2RP

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Active Member
Apr 9, 2016
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Okay Prussia, how about the one who isn't staff on HL2RP to tell you what you've done badly hm?

First off, this. You cause drama and spark flame wars that are completely unnecessary, and when people tell you what you did wrong, you blow it off. "Oh it's just the corrupt staff members that don't want me as staff." Incorrect. Little to no staff on the server are corrupt, and I know that for a fact.

Second, your issues that have already been explained.

Here's that drama thing again, also vortiguant OTA? That does not sound like a good idea. Neither does a fully militarized group. This is Half Life 2, not Half Life: Rambo Unit. I agree with the flaming bit as well, as you cause just the biggest issues on the forums to the point where I have to step in, or others. You don't deserve CM, as much as you want it, you need to earn it first. You barely earned SM, and you blew that.

I don't have to tell you how bad that sounds. You, trying to go rogue as an Overwatch unit, is a lore-breaking thing. You blowing up on Blueroad, is also a bad thing, as he's one of the ones keeping HL2RP held up despite his previous events regarding the "Cancer Squad".

Words that I had just said beforehand.

And now, MY issues with you as a player.

I have seen you do...SO MUCH stupid shit on the server, that it gives me a headache. Your suggestions were outright ridiculous, and at some points you have actually abused your powers (I won't point them out because all you'll do is go "LIES! SLANDER! HERESY!" )

And that is another issue I have with you: You don't listen. I don't know how many staff members had to tell you to shut the hell up in shoutbox because you were stirring shit AGAIN. And then when you get punished for it, you make a rant about how shitty the staff are because we punished you.

Your logic is impaired, and your thought process is flawed. I wouldn't ever want to see you as the community manager.

And don't tell me that I can't give my experiences because I left the server. That means jack shit. Okay? Have fun ranting about what I just said.

TRISH... how can your experiences matter when the only reason they like you right now is because you're saying shit against me.

I've heard the craziest Half Life 2 Roleplay that ONLY transsexual owner of Taco & Banana has even attempted to legitimatize and that is a hermaphrodite character.

Trisha with what I'm about to say next will make you not only not a good character witness but also bring to attention your now probably biggest bias against me.


You're a liar and you're terrible if you think that you should get sympathy for things that are impossible.

That's all it's about to you.

You have a Excessive Attention Seeking and Drama Addiction. I don't mean Drama like arguments, I mean the actual word Drama.

"an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances.
"a hostage drama"
synonyms: incident, scene, spectacle, crisis; More"


HL2 Server Moderator
Mar 16, 2016
Reaction score
You're a liar and you're terrible if you think that you should get sympathy for things that are impossible.
How do you know that aint true tho? You dont know her IRL

And what exactly makes that situation impossible?

Trisha Demilion™

Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
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It's impossible because if she got shot in the head there is a 95% chance she'll die instantly. If you black out that means it was a direct shot on the Cerebral Cortex otherwise you'd pass out not black out due to blood loss.

Then she went on to say that she killed the person and (assuming) used a gun against them. The police if they arrived (Which they didn't because this was a fake story) would have seen that the kid was now dead and the only one with a pulse and their hand on the gun was Trish. Trish would be serving a sentence for homicide of two people if...

Once against. She survived a 95% Head shot, then still was able to get up and fight the person with DIRECT BRAIN DAMAGE. Then get the gun... then shoot them... then not go to jail because obviously she lived in like South Side Chicago because blacking out is usually a good 30 minutes.

You don't have to have all the evidence for this one... you just have to use your brain, something that obviously hasn't gotten used if you think her story is legitimate.

Okay buddy here's the thing, I said I got shot. I never said I got shot in the head. The scar is just under my shoulder. Now you sound really fucking stupid.

Maybe you should keep your mouth shut before calling other people liars, when you've got dick to say.


HL2 Server Moderator
Mar 16, 2016
Reaction score
It's impossible because if she got shot in the head there is a 95% chance she'll die instantly.
Where the fuck did you get that it was a headshot from that? Many other things could of caused her to black out in that circumstance.

You really think you're sooo fucking smart and know everything.

I just have a question for you. What the FUCK are you TRYING to accomplish?

Literally 90% of this community hates you, the other 10% doesnt know you to hate you and if they did know you, they would hate you. Why would you want to remain here? And if you somehow with the power of fucking god to get CM, why would you want to be here if the whole staffing team hates you? What do you plan to do, ban all of us permanently? Well then there goes most of your playerbase because you ban us, and the none-staff who knows us and actually likes us will leave too because you are showing yourself to be an abusive c*nt. Which you have already proven countless of fucking times.

You literally waste your time trying to gain power back. WAKE UP DUDE. You are SHIT. You are NOTHING.


Well-known User
Mar 21, 2016
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Holy fucking utterly shit on a toast with fucking gravy spilled onto my lap giving me third degree burns. Can wej ust shut the fuck up and just say were NOT GIVING. Prussia his shit back.


Active Member
Apr 9, 2016
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Revolver, and I was 5-6 years old. I've pulled off a lot of miracles in my life, one of them was killing another 5-6 year old, who shot me and my stepdad. And having an uncle in the police force, who could vouch that this kid was bullying me at school.

You know nothing about me, your image of me is extremely impaired if you think I'd bullshit something like that.

Didn't know kids could fire a 357. or 44. Magnum with their hands!
Especially if you just picked up the gun and probably started that day with no previous assistance.

You don't seem like the type where your parents actually went to the range with you.



That is the current consequence of the policies that remove me. The population is halved.

This was taken a week ago.


HL2 Super Admin
Mar 16, 2016
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not sure what you're trying to accomplish here
not even worth posting on here because you just spew shit out of your mouth just to further a pointless argument


Well-known User
Mar 21, 2016
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Can any of you.. Not stop? Like seriously, We already know Prussia is being a idiotic piece of shit but more likely were not giving him anything, just ignore him or COUGH COUGH @ASC @Meme Machine™ @Bernie Sanders @Jordan @Mazu @jer LOCK THE FUCKING THREAD? or do something other than argue with him hes going into a point of pointless arguements


Active Member
Apr 9, 2016
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You do realize that in some states you can kill in self defense..

This is going way off topic. Yet let me say one last thing. Pretend you're the cop you see two dead people, one 6 Y/O injured now with only scar wounds and that struggle happened with a gun. Including Fingerprinting... your hand was on the gun.

But that's off topic.

The Grass Roots campaign will continue after judgement made on a certain Community Manager in question is made. I will get more vile if all the evidence in the world does not get them removed.

That will be enough for awhile to say that we accomplished something.


HL2 Super Admin
Mar 16, 2016
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Even if Zesty gets her CM removed (Which I doubt that will happen) you wont become the next CM, mostly because you're not even staff anymore and almost everyone in HL2 have negative feelings towards you.
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