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The TOP lane


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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If you ask me I would say that this is the most passive lane (for me), that's why I enjoy playing it, I know it's not my best lane, but when they give it to me I just focused myself on farming and watching when my bot start a fight just for using my tp there.
I love playing Renekton, Gragas, Gnar, Riven but my favorite one is Irelia, I love how she moves, her abilities, she's pretty strong in late game and she can destroy a tank as faster as an adc. This is my favorite skin from her.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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Damn, Irelia is my favorite top lane champion too! Remember when she was even viable in the mid lane? I spammed her so much because people never knew how to counter her and it was easy to snowball after a kill or two. I think that she's still a really strong champion and good versus tank because of her W. Her best skin is the Order of the Lotus though! I even have it.

Other than Irelia I always enjoy playing Darius. It is still often banned but when I get my hands on him, I dunk some people! He is just stupidly overpowered in solo q. His damage stacks up really easily with his bleed effect.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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Damn, Irelia is my favorite top lane champion too! Remember when she was even viable in the mid lane? I spammed her so much because people never knew how to counter her and it was easy to snowball after a kill or two. I think that she's still a really strong champion and good versus tank because of her W. Her best skin is the Order of the Lotus though! I even have it.

Other than Irelia I always enjoy playing Darius. It is still often banned but when I get my hands on him, I dunk some people! He is just stupidly overpowered in solo q. His damage stacks up really easily with his bleed effect.
YES, I love Irelia mid too, she's pretty awesome and fun. I agree, just a few people know how to counter her, even tho, in late game she can beat anyone.
I've played Darius just once and would play it again, I've never got ip to buy him haha


Active Member
Jun 13, 2017
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I started playing on TOP lane when I first got into LoL and it was fun trying to just outplay the enemy top laner but I got bored and turned to the jungle, I prefer a more mobility type of playing when it comes about playing League of Legends. Even when I'm the support I tend to roam a lot because that's how I like to play and get flamed for it haha.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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I started playing on TOP lane when I first got into LoL and it was fun trying to just outplay the enemy top laner but I got bored and turned to the jungle, I prefer a more mobility type of playing when it comes about playing League of Legends. Even when I'm the support I tend to roam a lot because that's how I like to play and get flamed for it haha.
Hahaha I feel you bro. When I play top I always use my tp to go to another lane, but the I lose experience, it's bad sometimes but it's what I like to do, trying to be helpful. I also play support and tend to room a lot. I complete understand you :) just ignore the flame hahaha


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
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Top Lane is like that old uncle who you expect to bring gifts for Christmas, but you don't see him the rest of the year. Top lane is expected to win alone, and teleport for objectives or ganks bot, all while not losing your tower, being ahead in CS and doing damage/tanking. Top lane is also interesting just because of the variation you get from the lane, from super tanky Maokai to full damage riven or Full AP/Tank Vlad. I enjoy champions that can fend for themselves and tank and do damage so I am similar to OP with the Renekton/Gragas picks.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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Top Lane is like that old uncle who you expect to bring gifts for Christmas, but you don't see him the rest of the year. Top lane is expected to win alone, and teleport for objectives or ganks bot, all while not losing your tower, being ahead in CS and doing damage/tanking. Top lane is also interesting just because of the variation you get from the lane, from super tanky Maokai to full damage riven or Full AP/Tank Vlad. I enjoy champions that can fend for themselves and tank and do damage so I am similar to OP with the Renekton/Gragas picks.
LOOOL that was a funny joke haha you're totally right, I couldn't say that better.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
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Top lane is the lane I will choose because when im on that lane i get so focus on farming minions. There were times that the bot lane is being ganked and I will not notice it. I just go for poppy when im on top lane but usually ill still go for adr to harass my melee enemy. During my first days on lol ill go for yasuo but i'm not good at him so i give up.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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I understand your affection to Irelia, she is a underestimated champion and a very interesting one. I nowadays play a lot of Pantheon, in order to climb faster, but to be honest i know that i should invest in a more high cap champion. Maybe i should play Irelia, you inspired me ;)


Active Member
Jul 7, 2017
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I understand your affection to Irelia, she is a underestimated champion and a very interesting one. I nowadays play a lot of Pantheon, in order to climb faster, but to be honest i know that i should invest in a more high cap champion. Maybe i should play Irelia, you inspired me ;)

I used Irelia when she was free and I believe she really has a potential but not on me :). I think most of my games wherever Irelia belongs to either team, that team mostly wins. I also see her on farm roles but she still performs well. I like pantheon also but I don't see him often on world stages games I dont know why.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
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The top line is one of my favorite lines, if not the most important for me, it is a line of duelist where much depends on the patience and the moments that one can take advantage of to arrive at the victory, although many people complain saying that we dont do nothing.