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What are your thoughts about Rakan?


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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So recently I bought Rakan, and I must say, another busted champion from Riot, good job!
Rakan shines while playing with her duo partner, Xayah, giving him a bigger range to shield her, and also has a nice synergy with her ability to augment attack speed and destroy either enemies or turrets.
But, if Xayah is banned, is Rakan impactful? Sure, but I feel he is much less valuable and needs to play much safer when he engages, he might not come back alive.

So what are your thoughts about Rakan? :)



Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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I absolutely love Rakan. He's one of the most fun supports that I actually enjoy playing when I'm put into that role. He really reminds me of Lee Sin with its insane mobility... he dashes in, he dashes out, he jumps up... where is he?? and he lands on you. He is a very smooth character that requires some practice to reach the true potential. I agree that he is more impactful if you have a Xayah along side you but even with out her, he's pretty good. Mobile with some cc. Just gotta be careful at the early levels because he's a bit squishy.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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I think I would say the same as Imaqtpie: Rakan is a Leona with a dessangage. I really like him because on how mobile it is, and has a great kit of abilities, he heals, give shields, stuns enemies, it's just amazing. I feel blessed that in my current elo people don't play him very often, so I don't have to pick him as a ban :D


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
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I think that he is a good support with a lot of mobility, went he came out was very strong with her duo Xayah but with some nerfs he lost some power, right now is a good supp who can be played with some Adc like Jhin, Vayne, Lucian, Ashe and dont forget Xayah, he has a lot of power against adc with low mobility a can do a good peel against almost every champ, is good pick right now, not the best but still is viable.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2017
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Rakan is a good champion when you need to make plays, he is the ultimate playmaker, his kit reflect that fact clearly, specially his ultimate, he can charm the whole enemy team with it if he chose the right position to engage, and I still haven’t started on his W, which when was used along with Flash, make for the most annoying form of Crowd Control, at least for me personally, then after that whole combo, he just has to activate his ultimate and then we are charmed for the next 1-1.5 second, then when laning there’s his q, which both do good damage and heal ally and him a fair amount. Simply put, I love him when he’s playing with me and hate him when he’s in the other team.
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Active Member
Aug 10, 2017
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Personally, I love Rakan. When I go ADC and a good Rakan player supports me, my lane phase is very solid and safe. His His engage is terrific and his ultimate is simply fantastic in TF. Plus, his mobility is awesome! If you want to have fun, make sure you have a good Rakan player in your team.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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I really enjoy playing with Rakan as my support. He's got a little poke and more than enough mobility to help harass as well. It's great that he can leap in so easily and knock the enemy ADC up and just pull himself right out of the fray immediately afterwards if need be. As someone whose been playing a little of bit of Xayah recently, it's always a nice change of pace too when my roommate decides to play Rakan as opposed to his usual supports. Their little side-perks for playing together are sometimes nice to have.

But overall, I really love hearing his dialogue in game in, it's really hilarious at times!