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What's the most memorable, satisfying or funniest win you ever had?


Active Member
Apr 22, 2016
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I was playing support Zyra for that game and we were having a hard time fighting off the enemy team. We have pushed the lanes to the enemy inhibitor turrets, their mid was bare but our base only have the Nexus turrets left. I don't remember everyone else in that fight since this happened a long time ago, but we were wiped out to only one last member to defend and that was Xerath.

It was basically 1v5. Xerath and the turrets against the enemy team. He was just trying to delay the inevitable. He killed one. He killed two champs. They're basically dancing around trying to get him while they take down the turrets, but he's killing them instead! They got the turrets, then our inhibitors respawned and the enemy team doesn't seem to notice it. Before we know it he scored an ace all by himself just in time for us to respawn!

Well, we didn't think twice and went straight for mid. We only have less than a minute to finish the game before they respawn again. We took down the inhibitor, our tanks too the damage of the Nexus turret, then we took down the Nexus.



Active Member
Apr 22, 2016
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The most recent one that comes to mind is a game we won where I went 0/0/0.

I was playing toplane Shyvana and was laning against a Rumble. Throughout laning phase I was able to pressure him hard out of lane but could never get a kill on him since he could always get out with his shield speed boost. So I just focused on csing and made a few teleport plays, teleported bot got a couple of flashes and forced them to back so we got dragon, that sort of thing. Basically though at no point in the game was I able to damage someone within the window for it to count as an assist, somehow. And in the end I checked the stats and I had the second highest damage to champions, just behind our midlaner, so it's not like I wasn't doing anything. It was so odd. I did end the game with more than double the cs of the nest highest so I actually had the most gold on the team so that was funny.

That's the most memorable game I can think of right now.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2016
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The most memorable games for me are always the ones in which my team comes back. I can't remember any specific example too vividly but there was one a few months ago that felt so good at the end. The game was almost an hour long, I was playing support; either Morgana or Sona. We were pushed back to our base and I think they'd taken an inhibitor or two, of course they kept returning with all that time. Anyway, after a long intense 20-30 minutes of hardcore defending, we slowly managed to have a few really good teamfights. We aced them eventually and pushed all the way to their nexus. It was amazing because I'd thought the game was lost ages ago.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2016
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I think the most memorable win that I have ever had was a game of College Football. I used to work with a guy who played in college, and he was really good, and he played the game so much and knew everything and thought he was the best. I had never played before, and sure enough I won on a like a hail mary type play, and needless to say he was not too pleased with me. He won about every time after that, but I will never forget that one.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2016
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I think the most memorable win that I have ever had was a game of College Football. I used to work with a guy who played in college, and he was really good, and he played the game so much and knew everything and thought he was the best. I had never played before, and sure enough I won on a like a hail mary type play, and needless to say he was not too pleased with me. He won about every time after that, but I will never forget that one.
I think this thread is about League of Legends, not football.
As for my satisfying win was me snowballing as Gangplank. I was 1 shotting most of the champions on the match. The surrender option was called around 25 minutes. I think that was one of my last games before I stopped playing League.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
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My most memorable win happened a while ago, so I don't remember what champ I was playing, but I've always been an ADC main, so I'll assume that's the role I was, at least. I've always made it a general rule that I don't talk down on the other team or teammates through chat. There was one game in particular that my team I were just absolutely getting trashed, and the other team was in allchat being jerks about it. Basically, we were all waiting for the 20 minute mark to hit so we could just surrender and be on to our next game.

But something happened after laning phase. We started to get our items and get into teamfights, and at around that time, we started to absolutely steamroll the other team. It was incredible, a complete 180 from early game (which goes to show you should never give up just because you give first blood, or have a negative early game, etc).

Needless to say, we ended up winning the game, and my teammates didn't take it easy on the other team in allchat either.


Active Member
May 19, 2017
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My most memorable game was a Quinn backdoor. Our team was losing miserably, so I kept split pushing all the lanes and when someone would show signs of coming I would zoom to the other lanes. So our team decided to go do Baron with no tank so I went to go backdoor since they were all focused on stopping the baron and a super fed Master Yi and Lucian kept coming to stop be so I 2v1ed them in their jungle by the base took all the inhibitions and put a ward so Nautilus could tp and tank the tower after he respawned. We took the two Inhibitor towers and 2v3ed the rest of their team and won from a 10k deficit. It was very satisfying and I'll never forget.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
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My most memorable game was a Quinn backdoor. Our team was losing miserably, so I kept split pushing all the lanes and when someone would show signs of coming I would zoom to the other lanes. So our team decided to go do Baron with no tank so I went to go backdoor since they were all focused on stopping the baron and a super fed Master Yi and Lucian kept coming to stop be so I 2v1ed them in their jungle by the base took all the inhibitions and put a ward so Nautilus could tp and tank the tower after he respawned. We took the two Inhibitor towers and 2v3ed the rest of their team and won from a 10k deficit. It was very satisfying and I'll never forget.

Oh man, Backdoord are always the funniest and most memorable wins. I remember a game where a friend of mine was playing Nasus back when he was crazy strong, before the ADC buff.
We were losing pretty hard and they had Baron, so we had to defend our non-existant turrets and our completely open inhibitors.
So a surrender vote is cast, and it's 3 YES and me and my friend remaining. The enemy Viktor is coming through to our base, lasering down our Jinx. Jinx dead. Our Janna retreats with InstaFlash.
A Surrender vote is cast. My friend says No. Someone is teleporting.
A Nasus appears inside the enemy base, with a fresly bough Guardian Angel.There's a lot of turrets to destroy.

He isn't messing around.
He's going for the mid Inhibitor.

He DESTROYS the turret and the inhibitor, a Q takes down like half the health of whatever is unlucky enough to be receiving it. The enemies starting trying to recall to stop it, trying to get far from us to teleport, running while their towers fell hard.
I was doing basically no damage as Malzahar, but I could pester them. I threw all my skills and a couple of Malefic visions before they killed me (bless the hourglass). The enemy starts to appear. A Jax jumps to him and smacks him a couple times. It's no use Nexus down, we win. As the nexus explodes, the camera pans to OUR nexus, that also explodes. "VICTORY". (I voted Yes to surrender at the last second :p)

Unfortunately, before the adc update, tanks were not so fun to play. I remember the god times playing DR Mundo, now any half good Kog maw can wreck you before you pop your ult :C


Active Member
Jun 13, 2017
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I think the most memorable for me was when I got my first pentakill, I was playing like a beast and I felt truly like a pro player, I took down 4 towers and 2 inhibitors in a ranked game and it wasn't like the enemy team was pretty bad no...As the matter of fact it was a premade 5v5, got my team ready, a can of soda and started smashing those buttons like the world was about to end.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
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playing my last ranked game to place, i got shen jungle. team was getting rolled, but they decided to contest a dragon without me or MF, and got killed 3v5. i arrived as the last person died, and they all turned for me. MF was on her way, and when she got there i landed a 5 man taunt on them into MF's ult, giving her her first penta kill ever. we proceeded to crush teamfights and win the game.