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When Gaming becomes an addiction

prasanna kumar

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May 8, 2017
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Generally people only fear about addictions to ciggerate, alcohol and porn and other, While these addictions have direct affect on the on our health , what we don't know is that gaming addictions are also found to affect the mental abilities of children, Excessive gaming may also result in a child eventually losing his intellectual ability, so its recommended to limit ourselves from excessive gaming.


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Jun 14, 2017
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I can say I was addicted to gaming in college but now that I have daily tasks to do, goals to achive and clients work to finish, I can stop playing any game while at it and walk off to something else. I think it all boils down to ones personall choice, sometimes you'll want to play the game but work won't permit you if you so much responsibilities at hand.


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Jun 8, 2017
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Much like what Deen said, it is hard for me to become addicted to video games if I have a job to do or any other type of responsibility. However, I have found that it is definitely easy for me to get addicted to playing video games if I have no other responsibility. If I find a game that I love and happen to be on vacation where I have no work and no major responsibilities I will easily put 12 hours a day into a game, and admittedly that is pretty darn unhealthy.


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Jun 14, 2017
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This is true. I've been addicted to game for about 3 years and I could honestly say that the time that I stopped playing it were the times were I finally had more focus in school and rest days. The game took away a lot of my time (though I wouldn't trade those for the world because of all the friends I've met), and a lot of my energy. But I think I'm done with that, or at least until I find a game that is really addicting that it just consumes me, but I doubt that because it's been over a year and I'm still not addicted to any.


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Jun 10, 2017
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There was one point in my life life where playing video games became an addictions. I think I'm still recovering from the backlash. When I was in my teens, I was obsessed with playing, buying, and trading games. All my money went to GameStop. The games I couldn't afford, my brother and I stole from K-Mart. We stopped when we almost got caught. We'd steal them and wouldn't even sell them. We stole them just to play and forget about. It started to affect my health because I was eating like a pig. I've worked most of it off since, but it used to be bad. I'm glad I brought myself out of that phase for the most part, but it still makes me cringe when I think about it now. I enjoy gaming every now and again, but not nearly to the extent that I used to enjoy them.


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Jun 15, 2017
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Gaming can be very addictive but I don't think that is as bad as the alcohol or cigarettes are. I guess we were all "addicted" to gaming when we were kids, at least a bit. But when you grow up you usually don't have time to be addicted to games, unless it really got you at earlier stages of life and you can't help it.


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Jun 15, 2017
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I was young when i got addicted to gaming. I would sometimes cut classes to go to the arcade and play. I do this one to three times a month to not get noticed. I got in trouble when the faculty supervisor decided to call home. That day when I got home, my parents asked me where I have been. I got an earful and grounded with no spending allowance for the month.


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Jun 8, 2017
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I think I have been through that stage. I have found that most of the time this addiction is going to affect a lot of my life. I have stopped playing games everyday. And mostly playing now during the weekend. Also I am not much spending for the new gear. You can see that PC addiction definitely has negative implications on life.


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Jun 4, 2017
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I think I'm always addicted to gaming. But gaming in general, not addicted to a specific games. I am never addicted to a specific game, but when I got tired of a game, I just search for new ones and try them out. Though my addiction is not really as awful as anyone imagine a 'game addiction' is. No, I don't forget to eat or sleep or study or anything just because of gaming. It's just that I can never fully stop 'playing games'. I think it's a part of me along with everything else.


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Jun 16, 2017
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I remember how addicted I was to gaming when I was still a teenager. I couldn't let go of my PlayStation. At times I was spending my whole day playing games without taking any breaks. The resulting effect is that I am wearing glasses today. But I am still addicted to some particular games and I try to play for 2 to 3 hours everyday. For me gaming is relaxation.


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Jun 24, 2017
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I have been games addicted since i was 8 or so until recently, i am 25 now. There is no only play 2 hours and have 22 hours of real life besides it. It's 2 hours of happiness and 22 hours of craving.


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Jun 5, 2017
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Ah, yes, the addiction that sort of ruined my high school life. It all started with a (then) simple little game called Minecraft. It was already captivating and addicting enough on the singleplayer side, but when multiplayer became a big thing I was hooked. I spent tons of cash on servers and I wasted a good portion of my life (at least two thousand hours) playing with friends. Sure, I enjoyed it when it lasted, but it significantly severed my ability to socialize.

I remember going to a function one day and my friend that I hadn't seen in a while was there. I could barely speak to him, constantly shaking and choking up. Its not worth it really.

This continued with the game Warface, later in high school. Wasted a lot of money and time on it trying to be the best. I could have been a much better, more successful and socially adequate teen if not for my gaming addiction.

Luckily now I burn out after spending more than 3 hours in a game. I just get tired and annoyed and turn it off. Good thing!


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Jun 26, 2017
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Video games can certainly be very addictive (I've had this phase years ago :smirk:), but I don't consider them as dangerous as alcohol or cigarettes. In fact, I don't think they even get close to it. :sweat: Of course it's something that requires a little bit care (after all, it is an addiction anyway) but is not so dangerous as the media seems to say.


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Jun 30, 2017
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Video game addiction for me has never been as severe as most hardcore gamers. Playing video games has always been for the enjoys entertaining factor and not to get my daily "fix". If I have something in life that I have to do, I'll put those priorities first.


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Jun 26, 2017
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Video game addiction for me has never been as severe as most hardcore gamers. Playing video games has always been for the enjoys entertaining factor and not to get my daily "fix". If I have something in life that I have to do, I'll put those priorities first.

But you have never addicted to any games? Even when you were a child?

I mean, this seems to be so common (at some point in life) for those who really enjoy playing video game. I'm not saying that you don't like it, but that it's unusual never to have been addicted to any game. :smiley:


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Jun 4, 2017
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Gaming becomes addiction ,we neglect our friends,family,work,school and even personal hygiene.We start it as a means of recreation but become slave to it.We stop spending time with friends,engage in sports or even watch a television.We become violent,threatening to those who try to control our activities.I used to play for hours in my room.At that time life seems to standstill.I used to think all is important is only video games.It had bad impact on my health,studies,family and friends.But somehow , i got out of it,how I don't know.God ,save us from these type of addiction.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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Gaming becomes addiction ,we neglect our friends,family,work,school and even personal hygiene.We start it as a means of recreation but become slave to it.We stop spending time with friends,engage in sports or even watch a television.We become violent,threatening to those who try to control our activities.I used to play for hours in my room.At that time life seems to standstill.I used to think all is important is only video games.It had bad impact on my health,studies,family and friends.But somehow , i got out of it,how I don't know.God ,save us from these type of addiction.
I think the worst part of gaming addiction is being immobile on your chair for hours. That could lead to serious complications such as cramps, a blocked nerve to your leg, or even a blood clot that could kill you in seconds. I suggest people in this thread to at least stretch their legs and go for walks once every few hours while playing a marathon of games.


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Jun 25, 2017
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Well, yes, Gaming became an addiction, I'm currently addicted to gaming, My day cannot pass without playing on my console..Well, I know that it can harm my eyes but I'm trying to stop playing it.


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Jul 1, 2017
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Every gamer must have had a period in life when he or she was addicted to gaming. I went through that phase to. I couldn't drop my controller for 30 minutes back then.

Now, I have lots and lots of tasks to do, chores and endless work and my gaming addiction dropped drastically.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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Every gamer must have had a period in life when he or she was addicted to gaming. I went through that phase to. I couldn't drop my controller for 30 minutes back then.

Now, I have lots and lots of tasks to do, chores and endless work and my gaming addiction dropped drastically.
It's called growing up lmao. I'm at the same boat; I have work to do and drawing commissions to fill so the days of 6 hour gaming sessions are long gone. I can still play, but maybe for an hour or two for the weekend or something. Other than that, well, earning money is more important than games these days because well, games don't pay the rent.