Well I waited until a few years ago to get a 360, I got mine right around the time of the x-box one, and I'm happy with it. I can still play NBA 2k17, and Madden, so I would say it's worth it, even if you want to turn your TV into a smart TV, and watch Youtube, it's still worth it. I play the 360 more than I play the ps4, mainly because I have more games on the 360, but now that I just heard about Microsoft not making anymore games for the 360, I'm leaning more towards the x-box one.I have always wanted a 360, but I kept postponing buying one because I always had what to play on PC.
However, looking back at the last-gen, I see so many exclusives I haven't got the chance to play and I'd love playing, ESPECIALLY the Halo series, as that is my favorite series ever and being a PC-only gamer, I have only played the few games ported to PC.
Those things being said, is it still worth getting a 360 after all this time? I'm pretty much decided on buying a used one and getting all the Halo and Gears of War titles available on it, but I'd like to hear your opinions.
Also, which models have a lower chance of RROD? I'd hate having to buy another one after a while.
I couldn't agree more! Not only in the sense that the game system is getting cheaper and the games and selves, but additionally the games on the Xbox 360 are still worth playing today! My girlfriend is big into playing Skyrim on the Xbox 360 even though I bought the new limited edition or whatnot for the Xbox One, she still prefers to play that game. Cool thanks for replying!On my opinion it's a definite yes. I have my own for a year, and still play on it, when I have the mood for it, it's always good to just sit down comfortably (or lay), unlike for pc. It can be quite refreshing after being on the computer for a long time.Not to mention that the games for it are getting cheaper and cheaper ^^