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Most Disappointing Video Game Ending You have played? (spoilers, obviously)


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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Mine has to be the "dark" ending of the Witcher 3. Ciri dies, a broken Geralt traverses through the swamps, chases after the last remaining crone, kills her, and just gives up on living while the hut gets surrounded by all manner of monsters that he hunted through the years. Talk about an incredibly downer ending.


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Apr 11, 2016
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Risen I. An awesome solid game tarnished by its retarded pseudo ending. After fighting your way through a temple, in order to defeat an awakening titan sleeping in a lava chamber. Instead of an epic battle with good ol hack and slash, you got some kind of ludicrous minigame where you have to avoid falling platforms while awaiting an oportunity to hit like those Crash Bandicoot bosses. After defeating the titan, your character, the nameless one, just sighs and walks back like killing some freacking lava titan was something less than a chore. The only thing you get is a hopeful message for humanity and the credits. Talking about uninspired endings, this one receives a reward for not even trying to be bad.


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Apr 22, 2016
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MGSV's unfinished ending just hurt so much. Note: I actually like the concept they threw in it with Big Boss making a body double, but how it's forced upon you so suddenly(not to mention the cut Sahelanthropus mission) just made it feel weak.


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Apr 23, 2016
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Destiny. The entire story was a disappointment IMHO, and for the first time playing a Bungie title I found myself just itching to be done with the story. When it finally did end, it was so anticlimactic I wasn't even sure it really was the end. very unsatisfying, a distant removal from the exciting final warthog runs i loved in their Halo series.

Many I've discussed this one with don't agree, but I thought the Bioshock ending was pretty predictable, the game was amazing up to that point, I was really hoping for something more at the end of that one.


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Apr 12, 2016
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The cliffhanger ending for Halo 2 was a joke. It was just a setup to make you buy the next generation console, actually this thing of leaving the conclusion of the trilogy for a new game on a new console was pretty cheap.

If you want to talk about disappointing yet pretty funny endings think about any old school NES games, those games were extremely hard for the most part and the endings were always small text screens that said something like "congratulations you win" and... back to the title screen. You spent 100 hours trying to beat a game, learning all the patterns just to be rewarded with a small text message.


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Jun 14, 2017
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The ending for Halo 2 was awful, it was just propaganda for the next Xbox and was just a letdown, I was so pissed by that ending, it was so easy and oh my god it made the game so bitter.


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Jun 10, 2017
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That game doesn't even really end. I'm 99% positive that there was supposed to be a final act to the game involving the consequences of what you do at "the final battle." There's a big baddie who rants at you through the last portion of the game who gets built up as your final opponent and your ultimate goal...and you never even see him in person.


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Jun 8, 2017
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Words cannot describe how infuriating the ending for MGSV felt for me. As a long time fan I experienced so many emotions I didn't want or expect to have, from confusion to anger, sadness and disappointment. Some people want to chalk it up to it being Hideo Kojima's intention for you to feel that way, but the evidence says otherwise. The game was simply not finished and that's why the ending felt so wrong. It was a terrible send off to the series and I'd probably pay Konami to bring back Kojima and fix it.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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I have to say Borderlands. Firstly, I have to point out how much I still love Borderlands. It is an incredibly fun and amazing game throughout but the ending was a huge letdown for me.

There was all this big talk about "THE VAULT" and what is inside... They hyped it up and then let us crash onto the floor when all you find in the vault is the final boss. That is it. Nothing special, nothing amazing.. not even some bad ass weapons. A big let down.

They could develop and deliver a much more creative and compelling ending.


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Jun 10, 2017
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1949... Nintendo... Dont buy something because its cheap!!! Worst game ever, and i was just 12 when i bought that game. Learned my lesson...


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Oct 13, 2014
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Does the end boss of an expansion on World of Warcraft count? An expac might not be considered a game, but it might as well be. The anticipation for reaching and fighting the end boss builds for over a year. Then, when you finally reach the final raid, you get very excited.

In the case of the "Cataclysm" expansion, the final raid and especially the end boss were so lackluster that it didn't even feel like a Blizzard raid. It was very long and very boring, and the Mary Sue of all time, Thrall, got the killing blow. Terrible.


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Jun 14, 2017
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Mine would be the ending I got in The Walking Dead Season 3 (Telltale). It was horrible, I couldn't believe Telltale would make an ending that dull. I chose to follow Gabe and his dad, and stuff goes on and then I went back and found that Kate was missing. And I tried to find her but I just couldn't and Clementine just told me that maybe she's gone. A few days went by and we just accepted the fact that she's probably dead. It was terrible, it felt like it had no climax for me, it didn't build up to the hype at all and it wasn't an ending I would expect in the Walking Dead video game series.


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Jun 5, 2017
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Eh, can't say I've played that many disappointing PC and console games, although I'd say GTA Liberty City Stories (PS2) while not inherently awful, was pretty disappointing considering when it was made. Need for Speed Pro Street was also a total flop. But on mobile I can give you an endless list. Essentially any game that imposes an energy system or a paywall is disappointing in my eyes and unfortunately with the way today's industry works, thats 99% of the market.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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MGSV's unfinished ending just hurt so much. Note: I actually like the concept they threw in it with Big Boss making a body double, but how it's forced upon you so suddenly(not to mention the cut Sahelanthropus mission) just made it feel weak.
I feel ya man. For it's MGSV also. I have been a hardcore fan of the series every since I was a teenager and seeing it end like that was terrible. I can say Big Boss inspired my personality greatly. I got into martial arts and started smoking cigars because of this series. And seeing my idol hide like a coward while leaving his comrades to face the wrath of his enemies was just terrible.


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Jun 20, 2017
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Mine has to be the "dark" ending of the Witcher 3. Ciri dies, a broken Geralt traverses through the swamps, chases after the last remaining crone, kills her, and just gives up on living while the hut gets surrounded by all manner of monsters that he hunted through the years. Talk about an incredibly downer ending.

It's a downer, but I don't think it's unfitting for the game or even the story (including the books), so I'm not sure if I could call it a 'disappointment' if you end up getting that ending. The books paint Ciri as the great treasure, similar to the Holy Grail or items like that, and searching for them leads Yen and Geralt to danger again and again, with Geralt never actually catching Ciri.

When I think of a disappointing ending, I think of an ending that doesn't fit, one that doesn't act in accordance with the tone, or with the gravity of the choices you've made thus far, or just feels rushed. The MGSV ending mentioned earlier in this thread fits that pretty well. Conceptually it's a fine ending, but it's just thrust upon the character with no explanation or resolution to several other plot points. The Witcher 3 and MGSV were released pretty close to each other, and the Witcher 3 is, fortunately, a finished game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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It's a downer, but I don't think it's unfitting for the game or even the story (including the books), so I'm not sure if I could call it a 'disappointment' if you end up getting that ending. The books paint Ciri as the great treasure, similar to the Holy Grail or items like that, and searching for them leads Yen and Geralt to danger again and again, with Geralt never actually catching Ciri.

When I think of a disappointing ending, I think of an ending that doesn't fit, one that doesn't act in accordance with the tone, or with the gravity of the choices you've made thus far, or just feels rushed. The MGSV ending mentioned earlier in this thread fits that pretty well. Conceptually it's a fine ending, but it's just thrust upon the character with no explanation or resolution to several other plot points. The Witcher 3 and MGSV were released pretty close to each other, and the Witcher 3 is, fortunately, a finished game.
That's what I loved about Witcher 3. They actually got it right. They didn't rush the release, they didn't have day 1 DLCs just to make more money. They even released a lot of small DLCs with costumes and small quests for free. Most companies would have charged for each piece (ahem, Tomb Raider 2013). Witcher 3's full DLCs were amazingly detailed and well done, from quests to the NPCs. They took their time, and they absolutely got it right.


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Jun 6, 2017
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That's what I loved about Witcher 3. They actually got it right. They didn't rush the release, they didn't have day 1 DLCs just to make more money. They even released a lot of small DLCs with costumes and small quests for free. Most companies would have charged for each piece (ahem, Tomb Raider 2013). Witcher 3's full DLCs were amazingly detailed and well done, from quests to the NPCs. They took their time, and they absolutely got it right.

Kudos for spreading love towards Witcher franchise. You got it all right. CDPR did an amazing job. A real shame actually. Their DLC is better than some original titles. At least they have proven to be legit.

Back on topic though. For me, worst ending ever would probably be ME 3. It was just horrible and forced upon you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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Kudos for spreading love towards Witcher franchise. You got it all right. CDPR did an amazing job. A real shame actually. Their DLC is better than some original titles. At least they have proven to be legit.

Back on topic though. For me, worst ending ever would probably be ME 3. It was just horrible and forced upon you.
Their DLCs are better AND cheaper than AAA titles. They really are an amazing bunch because they create quality over quantity, and they never overcharge their fans. The Game of the Year edition is also pretty low priced considering it has the game and the DLCs. Meanwhile games like GTA even charge you for online cash so you can get in-game purchases. Now that is just low.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
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I recently played the game Ghostbusters released in 2016 at one of my friend's place. I would not recommend this game to anyone. This is the worst game ever. I wonder why they even put this game on the market. I didn't quite like the music and the graphics were very poor. My friend paid quite a long to purchase the game. It was not worth it.