• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by rz3300

  1. rz3300

    Should I just Skip the Wii U?

    I have not been impressed by the Wii U, and I do think that some of it has to do with my initial disappointment that it was not as big as I thought. When I first heard of it, I thought it was going to have a big screen and really be a step forward, and instead I got quite the opposite. I...
  2. rz3300

    What's your favorite Gameboy games/s.

    Well I am going to have a little issue with my memory when it comes to the Gameboy, but I know I had some good ones. Tetris of course comes to mind, and I know I spent a lot of time playing that. I also know I had a Kirby game, but I cannot remember which one specifically. There was a Yoshi...
  3. rz3300

    Who uses a laptop for gaming?

    I do not really use the laptop all that much, and it is mostly because it is my work machine and so I just do not want to mix the two. I have always been told to keep work and play separate, and I guess I really took it heart a little more than I thought I did. It probably would not be the...
  4. rz3300

    Is FIFА 15 still а pоpulаr оnlinе multiplаyеr gаmе?

    Well I cannot really speak to the whole online aspect of it, but I know that I still play it offline. I have never really used these games online all that much though, so I am probably not the best person to ask about it. I am willing to bet that these things take a while to fade away, and...
  5. rz3300

    Hоw аrе hugе gаmеs likе FIFA 14 built?

    Well I really have no idea when it comes to specifics, but I would assume that with a series there ais a good amount of cutting and pasting (I do not know the video game terms here). It would seem like they already have the basics down and is just a matter of putting the new things in. This...
  6. rz3300

    What's the most memorable, satisfying or funniest win you ever had?

    I think the most memorable win that I have ever had was a game of College Football. I used to work with a guy who played in college, and he was really good, and he played the game so much and knew everything and thought he was the best. I had never played before, and sure enough I won on a...
  7. rz3300

    Favorite games for the SNES.

    Well I am going to need to think back a little bit, but I can remember some good ones. I think that my overall favorite would have to be Street Fighter because I spent a lot of time on that, and I used to love the movies too (which I now realize are terrible of course). Those were some good...
  8. rz3300

    Trophies or Achievements

    Well they are certainly nice to get, but unless they lead to something substantial or unlock a feature or something, I do not really all that excited about them. I guess it is something that you just have to have in a game though. You have to recognize and acknowledge progress somehow, and I...
  9. rz3300

    Please someone tell me why it take years to develop a game

    I really have no idea about the time it takes to develop a game, but I would imagine that it varies significant depending on whether it is a new game or a continuation. Either way, though, there are certainly a lot that goes on behind the scenes that we do not know about, and there has to be a...
  10. rz3300

    So, did GTA 5 online live up to the hype when you started playing?

    I used to be all about the GTA games, but my interest has since soured a little bit. That said, I was just not all that excited to get GTA 5 so my expectations would strangely low, although I knew it would be petty impressive. I know that a lot of my friends who still like the games say that...
  11. rz3300

    First game you bought?

    Well I have a pretty vivid memory of getting GTA as the first game for the Playstation 3. I tend to go in phases when it comes to my gaming, and so this was my GTA phase, and it just happened to be when the PS3 was just coming out, so it made sense. I have since lost a lot of interest in the...
  12. rz3300

    Do you think GTA V is too violent?

    Well coming from someone who thought that the first one was too violent, I can say that I also think that this one is. That said, I am not sure if it is proportionately too violent, meaning that if everyone is already used to the violence in the game I am not sure if there is anything new that...
  13. rz3300

    Your first online game?

    Well I have to say that I actually quite disappointed with myself for not really remembering this as well as I would have thought. I am really not sure here. I want to say that it was one of the FIFA games, where you could use the online feature to update players and things like that. When it...
  14. rz3300

    Suggestion Overwatch Forum

    Well it makes sense. If you have a game that is really popular and can really handle its own content, then I do not see why not. It would also just be nice to have a little section dedicated to it, but there might be considerations about running a forum that I am not really familiar with or...
  15. rz3300

    Hi All

    Well I know that if you find yourself in a bind with a game, this is good place to come for some help. The one thing about these forums that never ceases to surprise me is how many people are playing the games that we are playing, which is great. Welcome aboard, and I am glad that you found...