• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Thrall


    Sad that I couldn't get to run your trial with you, but ah well. Have fun Fry!
  2. Thrall

    Final FO Change.

    I just want to try a Wolfenstein RP
  3. Thrall

    New Overwatch Hero

    Maybe this'll make people play tanks more so that I don't have to play Rein every game, just maybe.
  4. Thrall

    What do you guys think of me?

    Dammit Dave
  5. Thrall

    What do you guys think of me?

    Who dis?
  6. Thrall


    But comp season is over what's the point? Isn't that the only mode in Overwatch?
  7. Thrall

    I mean, probably

    I mean, probably
  8. Thrall

    Ah man ya got me

    Ah man ya got me
  9. Thrall

    Oblivion vs Skyrim

    Some of the side quest storylines are pretty good in Oblivion, especially Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. The DLC with Sheogorath (I think called Shivering Isles?) is also AMAZING.
  10. Thrall

    Why Scotty should be made an honorary founder

    Now that's what'll get ya founder.
  11. Thrall

    Which is seen as the best Halo game.

    Halo 3 simply had the best multiplayer. So many hours spent on custom infection maps.
  12. Thrall


    Welcome to GR, glad to have ya!
  13. Thrall

    Alive once more.

    Alive once more.
  14. Thrall

    RIP :(

    RIP :(
  15. Thrall

    Pokemon Go is the new drug

    Pokemon Go is the new drug
  16. Thrall

    Official Steam Sale 2016 thread

    I grabbed Shadow of Mordor and Gang Beasts, which both have turned out pretty great!
  17. Thrall

    Official Steam Sale 2016 thread

    So many games, so little time...
  18. Thrall

    Aaaaaaand I'm back!

    Aaaaaaand I'm back!
  19. Thrall

    Heading on my trip, bye everyone!

    Heading on my trip, bye everyone!
  20. Thrall

    Yay the spam bots are here!

    Yay the spam bots are here!