• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Thrall

    Thrall's Resignation

    Well, this was certainly something I didn't expect to write out but here it is. My basic summary of why is due to the recent drama involving the server and me, going on a long vacation soon, and I basically just got burnt out on Gmod (honestly nothing to do with most of the staff). I figure I...
  2. Thrall

    Clone Wars vs Warhammer 40K

    They both have their good side and bad side and have lots of backstory. Some people think clones are badass while others think space marines are. Personally I think they both are. The end.
  3. Thrall

    Who's hyped for the No Man's Sky

    Looks good, but I've been burned on preordering before so I'll have to wait it out.
  4. Thrall

    Debate of the decade

  5. Thrall


  6. Thrall


  7. Thrall

    One Wish

    Granted, but it's only horror games with you as the main character. I wish I could teleport.