That's the problem with American politics now adays. No one cares about the welfare of the entire nation with a majority of issues I don't like any of them, they all have flaws we don't need to spend more on military then we already are, we don't need to cut the military into quarters either when it comes to spending. We need something better than common core bit we need bipartisan support and assistance from state government and local boards to do it. This nation needs to work together not be ripped apart.
Donald Trump lies almost ever other sentence, but brings up good points in certain areas. There isn't going to be a wall unless we pay for it. Mexico has already siad no, they have no incentive to do it and the only way it's going to happen is if Trump pays for it because we are not going to WAR with mexico or putting ridiculous sanctions on them over a fucking wall it will hurt our relations with our closest allies (EU members, and latin american nations)
Bernie is genuine and I believe that he thinks what he's doing will save the nation. Unfourtinitly I don't think his ideas of changing everything so quickly and making us pay more will help us in the short term.
Ted Cruz is possibly the most un-belivable guy in politics I have ever seen. When I saw George W. Bush I genually beleived he as a bad president. Ted Cruz IDK who the fuck i'm voting for because he is so fake it hurts and he just tries to out-Trump DOnald Trump which he fails at just like Marco and the only reason he is still in it is because the average voter does not have all the facts.
Hillary, oh god. She is weird, fishy , strange, and very hard to believe. But she is one of the few candidates who has experience behind a big time administrative desk. She has changed stances alot but so has all the other clowns I mentioned above. I'm not voting for her but I hope when she does get elected which i'm sure she will she better be Obama 2.0 until the democrats can get someone that is trustworthy and actually has the entire country's best interest at heart not just democratic and minority voters.
: I'm not voting they are all sketchy/will ruin the nation with there proposed plans.