• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Siberian

    Rpg, Yes Or No?

    I often play D&D with some friends! I host and have fun with all my friends. We don't dress up or any of that but we do it mostly online. I give a detailed scenario and tell them what there is in the room and they decide what to do! It's really fun and personally, I believe that D&D is the best...
  2. Siberian

    Suggestion This community is gonna die, but we can still save it.

    Well @Nightmare2125, it may be true I don't leave my channel too often, but that's because I'm completely open to people poking me and I don't want to seem like "that guy" who stalks everybody, entering other channels when not invited. Although when needed, I am more than happy to help where I...
  3. Siberian

    Gray's vid corner!

    I take no offence! Hahaha! Live by your 91st, you die by them... Love it! Smiling the whole way through. What really got me was the "You may reply in 2 weeks" Hahaha!
  4. Siberian

    Karaoke Night

    I had a blast and I'm sure a lot more of you did as well! Thanks Bishop for actually having a pair and be willing to sing my friend! You helped make the night fantastic! (So did a lot of others, don't get me wrong).
  5. Siberian

    My re-introduction.

    No rush at all. Nothing is really happening and I'm the only one here haha. Take all the time you need.
  6. Siberian

    My re-introduction.

    Hey there Blake! Glad to see that you're coming back! I've never met you myself, but right now we are trying to get a clonewars roleplay server on Gmod back up. It died and no one seems to want to hop on. Would you like to hop on with me? I am on right now and there, we can chat if you'd like? ^-^