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  1. Sylar

    Wii U

    What exactly is Wii U? Never even heard of it
  2. Sylar

    General Chat Thread

    Good luck man! I personally have a baseball tournament this weekend to look forward to :)
  3. Sylar


    I have the reaaaaaally old model, and I never play it; never got a memory card for it anyways :p On the other hand, my friend just got the new touch screen one...it's pretty sick :D
  4. Sylar

    Most favorite TV series?

    I have several: The office, Burn Notice, Heroes(<3), Scrubs, and The Big Bang Theory. Can't decide which is my fav...
  5. Sylar

    Starcraft II

    I played it one time at my friend's house, never got into it though. Too much going on at one time :P
  6. Sylar

    Do you own an iPod?

    iPod classic, 80gb right here. I even have my name inscribed on it :)
  7. Sylar


    Turtle beachesssss! :p Which ones do you have? I have lowly x11's and they're AMAZING! When I get some more money I'm planning on purchasing x41's or something like that :)
  8. Sylar

    Favorite Childhood Game?

    As a child? Club Penguin, then FusionFall. Not ashamed to admit it; those games were the sh!t back in the day :P
  9. Sylar

    Xbox 720 Codename: Durango

    xD That would be awesome! I would buy a spare one just to demolish it!
  10. Sylar


    How could you say that?! They add new content just about every week or so! It's quite different from the launch now! Why do you say that, though, seriously?
  11. Sylar

    What sports do you play?

    I play baseball, do a bit of running, and also swim. Baseball is really the only sport I play a lot though ;)
  12. Sylar

    Wii U

    It had to be done
  13. Sylar


    Haha, WoW, I watched many-a-friend get addicted to it :) Personally, played it once and found it dumb. Plus, it was one of the reasons my aunt and uncle got divorced soooo
  14. Sylar

    What eSports do you watch?

    I'll have to check out a few that @Joe ;) @death...you went to blizzcon :P
  15. Sylar

    Latest Purchases?

    How?!! My school lunches are grossss
  16. Sylar

    Xbox to go digital?

    Exactly, and in turn where they benefit, we benefit, giving us very cheap games :)
  17. Sylar

    Wii controllers?

    The 2 or 3 times a year I play Wii, it's definitely the wireless. Just much easier for gaming in general ;)
  18. Sylar

    Call of Duty in 2012: Confirmed

    Same, they totally duked it out with MW3, I thought they were done. Blops 2 will have to be AMAZING for me to buy it.
  19. Sylar

    What are you currently doing?

    Yet another successful session of TOR :)
  20. Sylar

    What do you want in next-gen gaming?

    Definitely better graphics, expanded UI with kinect, more memory, and just better games :)