• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Sylar

    League of Legends

    Blegh, I tried to play it, but I just couldn't get into it. I just ended up quitting all my matches :P
  2. Sylar


    Anyone in here play SWTOR? If so, what's your favorite character? What server do you play on?
  3. Sylar

    Wireless or Wired controllers

    Same here, but most of the time I end up plugged in and charging because I use my controllers so much :P
  4. Sylar

    Xbox to go digital?

    What exactly do you mean "re-used games"? Not exactly understanding what this topic is about D:
  5. Sylar

    Last Game Played?

    Just had a really fun session of TOR on my com, did a heroic quest and got some good gear :)
  6. Sylar

    Gaming Genres

    MMORPGs, then FPSs, otherwise they usually bore me ;)
  7. Sylar

    Call of Duty in 2012: Confirmed

    I will probably not get it. They're making too many games to keep track of :P MW3 will last me a good long while anyways :)