• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Hidden308

    Will you buy the PS4 straight away?

    I might then again might not. It really determines I might just wait for reviews and then choose once the next-gen of consoles are released.
  2. Hidden308

    Do you think the Wii U needs a name change?

    I know right? The N64 days were the best!
  3. Hidden308

    Torchlight 2

    I never cared much for Diablo 3. :P Guild Wars 2 is the game of the year to me. lol I can't wait for the release of Torchlight 2 to get started playing it.
  4. Hidden308

    Lord of the Rings Online

    LOTR was one of the MMOs I never got the chance to play and wished I had..anyone think it's still worth trying?
  5. Hidden308

    Age of Empires Online

    I used to play Age of Empires but never the online part of it. I suppose I did try it once or twice but thought it boring.
  6. Hidden308

    Fable Series

    Never got to play the first Fable. I did play the 2nd and 3rd Fable, and they was great. The only thing I really disliked honestly was everyone was afraid of you if you pulled out your weapon. lol
  7. Hidden308

    Torchlight 2

    Honestly I heard about this being good. Some guy even said it was going to be better than Diablo 3 which is NOT true at all. Diablo 3 will be the game of the year, but this game I heard will be great.
  8. Hidden308

    Will you buy the PS4 straight away?

    I won't, no. If it's better than the next-gen Xbox, then I will buy it.
  9. Hidden308

    Fable Series

    I haven't ever played Fable, but I have seen gameplay and videos of it. Looks quite interesting really.
  10. Hidden308

    Kindle Fire

    My dad has one and I checked it out I would say they are pretty good. :)
  11. Hidden308

    WHY do you game?

    I game because my friends do and it's like a whole new world. It's like I am something else in a game, more than just a normal webmaster guy. I. Am. A. Gamer!
  12. Hidden308

    Kindle Fire

    My brother has a Nook which is pretty awesome. I think going with a Nook is better decision.
  13. Hidden308

    What are you listening to?

    Where We Belong - Lostprophets Codboy14 - Great band!
  14. Hidden308

    General Chat Thread

    Hey guys! Just made it to state track in four events last night!
  15. Hidden308

    Torchlight 2

    Has anyone seen it before and heard about it? I noticed it was on steam yesterday and it looks pretty great, and fun. Plus you get the first Torchlight if you pre-order it. I actually purchased it on steam last night and I find it pretty fun (The first Torchlight) so can't wait for the 2nd...
  16. Hidden308

    General Chat Thread

    Just got back from another lovely day at work. :P How is everyone?
  17. Hidden308

    How many Hours?

    Determines if i'm in the mood for gaming or not. If I am and i'm off work probably 4-5 hours, and during the summer I usually play less. I play the most during fall/winter though.
  18. Hidden308

    New Diablo 3 TV Commercial

    Have you tried the Diablo 3 beta?
  19. Hidden308

    How many Hours?

    I play more in the summer, but still a lot during other seasons. Mostly on the weekends but I still get some solid hours during the weekdays.
  20. Hidden308

    NEW Dark Knight Rises Trailer

    Well I think we can throw out someone else becoming Batman, because wouldn't there be another one? That's why this will be so epic!