• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Hidden308

    If you won a million dollars..

    What would you do if you won $1 million? I'd buy the most expensive computer parts and build the best computer imaginable for the ultimate gaming experience. Probably buy amazing gaming gear and invest the rest.
  2. Hidden308

    Blizzard's April Fools Joke

    http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/games/blizzkidzz/ So Blizzard decided to make something of little kids games (ages 6 and up). It was pretty funny reading the titles and playing their demo game. Pretty good joke.
  3. Hidden308

    4 GRO codes

    Thanks Patrick! Well there is no link to it or anything. =/
  4. Hidden308

    Virtual Reality

    You mean like living in the game? Such as in the movie Gamer? It would fun actually.
  5. Hidden308

    Best Clan Names

    What clan names do you like the best? I used to be apart of one that I really liked called Clan AH. Apocalyptic Harbingers.
  6. Hidden308

    4 GRO codes

    Two left if anyone wants one. ^^
  7. Hidden308

    2D or 3D movies?

    Even the Harry Potter glasses were uncomfortable!
  8. Hidden308

    No Xbox 720 at E3

    Or 2014. You never know what could happen with delays.
  9. Hidden308

    When do you go to sleep?

    Haha same. I wish I could sleep as soon as I lay down.
  10. Hidden308

    Your Top 5 Games

    What are your top 5 favorite games of all time? (They don't have to be released yet..you just know they're going to be that good :P) 5. League of Legends 4. World of Warcraft 3. Starcraft II 2. Diablo 3 1. Guild Wars 2
  11. Hidden308

    Final Fantasy Series

    I've heard all about the many games there are to this series, but never actually played it.
  12. Hidden308

    Super Mario Series

    Super Mario was amazing. Been a while since I've played. I have it around here somewhere.
  13. Hidden308

    Melee - Better than Brawl?

    Better than Super Smash Bros Brawl? NO way. Not even close.
  14. Hidden308

    Pokemon - A dying series?

    No way. With Pokemon White & Black 2 coming out in the near future, this series is no where near dying.
  15. Hidden308

    Legend of Zelda

    I think I used to have it for my DS. I don't even remember anything from it though!
  16. Hidden308

    The Dark Knight Rises

    Is NO ONE else excited for this?!
  17. Hidden308

    General Chat Thread

    Hey there GAK. Morning all. Sunday, school tomorrow. :(
  18. Hidden308

    Build or Buy your PC?

    I REALLY want this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146066
  19. Hidden308

    What are you currently doing?

    Just listening to music. About to grab some breakfast because I just woke up!
  20. Hidden308

    Can the Wii be for hard core gamers?

    A Wii cannot in any way be for a hardcore gamer. There's no competitiveness in the community like there is in LIVE and PSN.