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Search results

  1. Denis_P

    Futurama Game

    This is pretty exciting, I'm looking forward to a fresh take on a Futurama video game given the last game on the PS2 was met with pretty much a resounding "meh." But also am I the only one who doesn't really want new episodes for the series? Now don't get me wrong, I've been a fan of the show...
  2. Denis_P

    Worse game you have ever played?

    There are a lot of people who adamantly defend this game, but I can only assume it's because of nostalgia. Personally, for me even nostalgia doesn't help this train wreck. The abomination to video games I'm referring to is Sonic Adventure. Everything from the graphics, the voice over work, the...
  3. Denis_P

    What Console Do You Use The Most?

    Well, while I don't actually use any "consoles" the gaming platform I use the most is my PC. Then again if we really want to be pedantic, I play SNES games on my computer almost as much (if not more) than I play regular PC games, so I suppose in that sense you could say I use the SNES the most...
  4. Denis_P

    First game you ever played..

    First game I every played was Super Mario World when I got my first gaming console, the SNES, back in the late 90's. I was quite a bit late in terms of the SNES era, since by the time I was playing it both the PlayStation One and Nintendo 64 had been out, but it didn't detract from the...
  5. Denis_P

    Favorite horror game?

    I can't say I have many horror games under my belt, but the best horror game I've played in recent memory was Amnesia: The Dark Descent. With headphones on and sitting in a dark room, I never imagined that a game or anything on my computer screen could make me that terrified. There were several...
  6. Denis_P

    Favorite RPG Game?

    While I'm not trying to rag on Skyrim as it has its own merits, Oblivion just does certain things better in my opinion. For starters, the quests are far better. The most notable examples of this are the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quest lines. It's almost universally agreed that Skyrim's...
  7. Denis_P

    Do you spend money on gaming gear?

    I haven't ever bought any gear for the purpose of enhancing my skills or being better than others, I just like shiny things. For example, I'm a big fan of mechanical keyboards with awesome LED lighting like those that Razer sells, or I like to make sure my gaming laptop is safe when I carry it...
  8. Denis_P

    What are some good games you can play over and over again?

    It's an oldy but I've finished Mega Man X maybe seven times just this year alone. Spanning from the first time I played it in 1997 to this day twenty years later, I finished that game more times than I can count. There is something very addicting and satisfying about it. It is just the right...
  9. Denis_P

    Strained eyes while playing games

    I sometimes experience it but it usually doesn't last too long. What often happens is that I'm playing a game that requires deep focus for an extended period of time, and when I look away from the screen during a break I find that everything farther than a meter from me is kind of blurry. My...
  10. Denis_P

    Have you ever made a game?

    I tried making a game but I found that I simply do not have the time it takes to make a game by yourself. I got fairly good at making sprite art and animations, and even familiarized myself with Unity but I never made anything more than little demos. If I ever wanted to do anything outside of...
  11. Denis_P

    Is Gaming Worth Doing At All?

    Well I personally think that no matter to which degree you do it, gaming is always worth doing if you enjoy doing it. But then I also understand the other side of the coin. Some people don't want to play video games to just be average, and that's why people created high scores and achievements...
  12. Denis_P

    Are you looking forward to any games?

    Holy cow this thread has been around since 2012! Well since it's been revived I might as well give my 2 cents as well. I'm actually surprised to say this but I'm really looking forward to playing Assassin's Creed Origins. I had given up on the series since the last Assassin's Creed game I...
  13. Denis_P

    Do you like sharing your games?

    It would depend on who I'm sharing it with. I've had too many bad experiences with lending physical copies of games where the disc was returned in a horrible state. The truth just is that many people do not respect their own property so you cannot expect them to treat your property with respect...
  14. Denis_P

    Should Alpha Game be free?

    While I don't think it should be entirely free since there are a lot of alpha games out there which already have taken up months - - if not years - - of work, some are in fact broken piles of hot garbage that end up ripping people off. In order to bring balance to this I think that alpha games...
  15. Denis_P

    How often do you play?

    It would depend on how busy my schedule is. On days where I don't have any major responsibilities to uphold - - which is maybe two or three days a week - - I could wake up at 8:00 AM and play until 11:00 PM, with breaks for food and stuff in between of course, I'm not that crazy just yet...
  16. Denis_P

    Do you wait for discounts?

    Unfortunately, the current state of modern games has made me a pretty pessimistic person when it comes to the quality of most content. Because of this I just can't justify paying full price for any game. Thankfully as a PC gamer and Steam user, once the Steam sales come along I get to give most...
  17. Denis_P

    The last game you bought?

    The last game I bought was Dark Souls 3 not too long ago. I really like it but the problem is that it has been months since I've played Dark Souls 1 and 2, so I've kind of lost my grip on the play style and timing which is super important for Souls games, so I ended up getting stupid frustrated...
  18. Denis_P

    What games do you currently play?

    I've mostly been playing Stardew Valley as I'm trying to 100% it and get all the Steam achievements, so that's been taking up most of my gaming time. However, in the event that I'm not in the mood for it, I've been having a lot of fun with Red Orchestra 2 as I've missed playing online shooters...
  19. Denis_P

    Your favorite memories in gaming..

    While I could say beating games like Super Mario World or Mega Man X were among my favorite video game related memories, there are memories related to gaming (but not to specific games) which mean more to me. Those memories are pretty much every time I got to go rent a new game at the video...
  20. Denis_P

    If you could be a character ?

    Well, he may not be strictly a video game character but I think I would definitely choose Batman. I'm a pretty huge comic book geek and Batman has been my favorite super hero since I was a kid. Heck I'm even wearing a Batman shirt right now. So being able to dawn the cowl and fight crime as the...