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Search results

  1. Denis_P

    Can a Youtuber Affect Game Sales?

    Speaking from personal experience I can safely say that YouTubers can definitely have an impact on game sales. Why? Because I can actually name a multiple numbers of times when I had watched one of my favorite YouTubers playing a video game that I initially may have had reservations about, but...
  2. Denis_P

    Where do you buy your games most?

    Nowadays that I'm a PC gamer I get all of my games either from Steam, Humble Bundle, or GOG. I'd say Origin as well but I don't think I've used that platform since Battlefield 3. Being a PC gamer is great and all but I can't say I don't miss the days of going to a game shop, checking out the...
  3. Denis_P

    How do you take losing when you were young?

    Oh boy, you just brought back cringey memories of me being such a little jerk of a sore loser when I was a kid. I remember playing Street Fighter II: Turbo with my cousin and whenever I would start losing, I would break out the age old strategy that everyone knows and hates. Is your opponent...
  4. Denis_P

    Worst Game Ever Played?

    I know some people are going to hate me for this because this game has a pretty decent fan base, but lord do I hate Sonic Adventure. There are the unacceptable, immersion destroying glitches. There is the sometimes cheesy, sometimes downright awful soundtrack. There is the awful voice over work...
  5. Denis_P

    Favorite Game?

    I'm so indecisive when it comes to this because there are a whole bunch of games from back in the day that I still return to because I love them so much. But if I had to choose a single one it would be Super Mario World. First off it has the honor of being the first game I ever played, so that...
  6. Denis_P

    Favourite Video Game Series?

    Save for a few entries, I'd have to say that without a doubt the Metal Gear Solid series is my favorite set of games. The majority of people may feel that the storyline is convoluted and confusing to heck but I actually love it. The stealth gameplay has always been amazing, and very unique at...
  7. Denis_P

    A game you're currently addicted to..

    I'm sure my avatar isn't a dead giveaway at all (sarcasm) but I've been super addicted to Stardew Valley lately. It's just such a charming and relaxing game that I can't resist putting so much of my time into it. It's almost like a drug, as soon as I jump into it I just instantly mellow out and...
  8. Denis_P

    Favorite childhood game

    Oh man, difficult to answer considering to this day many of my favorite games are still from the old school SNES era of my childhood, but I'd say it's a tossup between Super Mario World and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. If I really had to choose it'd probably be Super Mario World...
  9. Denis_P

    Whats your Favourite Type of Game?

    My favorite genre of video game definitely has to be RPG games. I play video games because I love to get immersed in other worlds and stories, and I'd say most if not all RPG games are made with the intention of immersing a person in the world's story as deeply as possible. All the better if...
  10. Denis_P

    Why do you actually enjoy gaming?

    I think I always enjoyed gaming because it was the best form of escapism that didn't end up ultimately causing your body harm. Heck it can even benefit you in some ways. Now by no means was it me trying to escape life because my situation was particularly horrible or anything, but I've just...
  11. Denis_P

    Do you play mobile games to kill time?

    I think the only times in my life when I actually played mobile games was while I was in college. Those who have taken college courses know, often times you have to wait hours between classes if you could not schedule them properly, so I'd end up with plenty of time to kill but not enough time...
  12. Denis_P

    Difficulty or Fun?

    As others have said, difficulty and fun are not mutually exclusive, in my opinion. A prime example of that is the Dark Souls series. I get extremely frustrated during those games. There was a part in Dark Souls 2 that almost made me, a 25 year old male, cry from how angry and frustrated I was...
  13. Denis_P

    Last Game Played?

    Lately I've been going absolutely bonkers on Stardew Valley. I had played it in small binges in the past but never actually "finished" it. In the past two weeks or so I've made it a goal to complete it 100% and earn every Steam achievment, which I don't think I've ever done for any game in my...
  14. Denis_P

    Does Anyone Still Play Runescape?

    I have not played it seriously in quite a long time - - probably not since they moved on to RS3 - - but just the other month I decided to check up on it a bit. The amount of changes were just absolutely overwhelming and I was not prepared for it at all, haha. It was quite intimidating to be...
  15. Denis_P

    How many hours do you play a day?

    Generally I would play around two or three hours a day, but recently I've been on a Stardew Valley binge (hence my avatar) so those numbers are way skewed. We're talking like 8-10 hours a day sometimes, and I would definitely do more if I just had more hours in a single day. It's ridiculous how...
  16. Denis_P

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    The first console I every played/owned was the SNES, back in 1997 when I was five years old. It was a bit late for the SNES era, but my parents didn't have much money for food at the time, let alone video games. However my aunt and uncle were quite wealthy and had recently gotten their kids a...