• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. The Fezz

    Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer was leaked

    EXACTLY Rebels are the bad guys. Even though the Empire isn't the greatest group of people, I see them as the peace keepers.
  2. The Fezz

    Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer was leaked

    I hope the story is around a soldier who CONTINUES to fight for the Empire/First Order. Not like the Traitor.... I generally hate it when it makes the rebels ALWAYS seem like the heroes and shit. Like, give us a game or movie where it is purely about the Empire combating the rebel threat.
  3. The Fezz

    Future Jobs

    That camp sounds Fucking awesome
  4. The Fezz

    Future Jobs

    That's awesome that you want to do something Medical! I plan on going for Nursing in college. I would hope to work in an ER/Trauma Facility, or as a MICN or a Fight Nurse. (Maybe all of these!) My advice to you: Join a rescue/first aid squad. I don't know how that works with you guys in Canada...
  5. The Fezz

    Joff's Resignation

  6. The Fezz

    Paladin$ LOA

    See ya when you return!
  7. The Fezz

    It's been real

    Papi pls.
  8. The Fezz

    How long I have been here.

    I have no clue why I decided to go on the forums. I think I was playing in CW one day and decided I wanted to ACTUALLY join a community after the very first one I joined died. I also never played on a CW server before so I really ended up liking it. Then I got to IM and Halo and liked it more...
  9. The Fezz

    We have a major problem

    Also throwback to this poll. This was before Halo was even up I think... https://web.archive.org/web/20150602021322/http://www.aftershockgamingcommunity.com/thread-43-post-133.html
  10. The Fezz

    We have a major problem

    Nope thats 101% correct and not fake news.
  11. The Fezz

    How long I have been here.

    Ahh I love you for posting those links. I will be nearing my two years in May.
  12. The Fezz

    We have a major problem

    >When you have already stumbled onto the thread then stumbled out of it.
  13. The Fezz

    We have a major problem

    Boi you ain't new here. You should know how things go around here by now XD
  14. The Fezz

    CityRP Suggestions

    1. EMS Gets Defibs. Thats all.
  15. The Fezz


    Sorry to see you go man. Loved RPing with you on Halo and for the short time on CW.
  16. The Fezz

    We have a major problem

    So my opinion is this. Sure SOME people should a second chance if they can prove that they can change. *note how I said SOME people, not all people* But you should only get a second chance. If you fuck again some how, that's it, plain and simple. And this is in now way directed at Prophet...
  17. The Fezz

    I do on occasion!

    I do on occasion!
  18. The Fezz


    Later man, sad to see ya go!