• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. The Fezz

    Requesting Community Ban of Obum/Acer

    I detect Sarcasm...
  2. The Fezz

    Yes or No Game

    The world may never know... Are you all ready for America to become a Nuclear Wasteland?!
  3. The Fezz

    Flashes goodbye

    Love you man, thanks for all your time on the forums. Hope to see you back at some point. Good luck with everything you may encounter in life! -Fezz
  4. The Fezz

    Suggestion Minecraft Factions

    WHAT A ROASTTTTTTT. But couldn't everyone who played in ASG be considered an old blunder?
  5. The Fezz

    What RP do we want next?

    Ooo. I'd take it!
  6. The Fezz

    Suggestion Rules??

    Wait, there are Forum Rules? Since when did the forums ever have rules ;)
  7. The Fezz

    Suggestion Minecraft Factions

    Didn't we have this before? What ever happened to the other one.
  8. The Fezz


    #TheBestJudgeCP (Or what ever those damn guys were called on HL2)
  9. The Fezz

    Global Staff List

    Is Server Administration a rank still? If so, I am the one for Halo.
  10. The Fezz

    What RP do we want next?

    I fucking love it #rockrp
  11. The Fezz

    What RP do we want next?

    Here is a statement I made in a different thread. We Need something NEW that we HAVE NOT done before. SO No more WWII No more Military RP No more HL2 No more SWTOR No more Shit we have already tried but have failed at.
  12. The Fezz


    We Need something NEW that we HAVE NOT done before. SO No more WWII No more Military RP No more HL2 No more SWTOR No more Shit we have already tried but have failed at.
  13. The Fezz

    Post Spamming

    Goddamn man
  14. The Fezz

    Post Spamming

    How the fuck do you have 88 damn posts already....
  15. The Fezz

    If you created an MMO, what would it be like?

    I dunno, My computer cant handle any big MMO but, I if I were to make one it would be some kind of Arma: Life type of thing.
  16. The Fezz

    Question What Servers are we planning to host, or any at all?

    Don't bring shit from another community here.
  17. The Fezz

    Game Rebels is Hiring!

    Same here
  18. The Fezz


    Hi all, I am Fezz, several of you may know me from Axiom/ASG. I am the Head Forum Admin there and am a Super Admin on Halo. So....yea, you will see me around on here every so often! -Fezz
  19. The Fezz

    If not me, then who?

    If not me, then who?
  20. The Fezz

    Feedback Lady X HL2 Staff Discrimination

    Lady comes in for that RKO outa no where and ends the thread right then and there. Lockin up!