• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. The Fezz


    Welcome to the Community! I hope you enjoy your time here!
  2. The Fezz

    Police in America (racism, police brutality etc)

    You want to do any specific job when you join a department? K9? Narcotics?
  3. The Fezz


    I accept the apology. Hopefully, everyone will get along now.
  4. The Fezz

    History of Axiomgamers?

    You wanted to know the history, you don't need to apologize! What happened, happened. There is no denying it.
  5. The Fezz

    Forum Blitzkrieg: Desert Fox's introduction

    Welcome to the community! Rommel happens to be one of my fav. Leaders. Regarding the bans, Don't do anything bad and don't get banned. All there is to it. Eitherway, I hope you enjoy your time here!
  6. The Fezz

    my public apology

    @Blueroad You have been un banned.. again.. I accept the apology and hopefully things will change.
  7. The Fezz

    Forum Staff Application info

    Hello all! I am going to be reopening Forum staff Applications soon, What you need: -At least 75 posts (DO NOT SHITPOST) -Needs to be active on the forums -Must be mature -Must have two threads to want to moderate (EX: General Section, HL2, CW) I will make an announcement when the apps are...
  8. The Fezz


    Hello all, If you haven't noticed, the shoutbox has been removed. It was filled with hate and arguments. So, I and many others have had enough of it. The shoutbox is one of may things new members see when they first go on the forums. If the shoutbox is filled with cancer (like it was), I...
  9. The Fezz

    Comic relief

    The memories
  10. The Fezz

    Short Story -By JogerinoIRL

    I actually like this better than Job blog XD
  11. The Fezz

    i made an advertisement video

    Clean your damn microwave. Wow, thanks for stealing my idea Zesty...
  12. The Fezz

    Recent Events

    Hello all. In spite of recent events, I am going to make this announcement kinda thing. What went on in the shoutbox was unacceptable. Yes, I did unban the perpetrators, but they are on extremely thin ice. So @Blueroad @FPSPrussia @Panda™ You three will remain on the thinnest sheet of ice...
  13. The Fezz

    Police in America (racism, police brutality etc)

    Nope, Since im from Jersey, they wouldn't be NJSP uniforms. But I get where you are coming from lol
  14. The Fezz

    Police in America (racism, police brutality etc)

    Well, I was gonna write a long as paragraph but everything I would have said has been said already. My Opinion of Officers: Yes, it is bias cause I am trained by officers and I fully support them) I love em. They serve and protect their communities and risk their lives for others. Are there...
  15. The Fezz

    Cant wait for this Movie( Shadow Troopers !!!!!!!!)

    I really hope she joins the Empire, I would love that so much. #Empire4life
  16. The Fezz

    Suggestion Day Bans

    @TheGrandBanana @Doctor Jew @Bernie Sanders
  17. The Fezz

    Good memories

    Retired Commander Shadow shall make his return when it comes back!
  18. The Fezz

    another shitty server

    Thread moved to a more reasonable section.
  19. The Fezz

    tell me you love me

    I l0ve you
  20. The Fezz

    Suggestion Day Bans

    Shit. Thanks for that.