It has? lol i quit black ops when i hit 15th 50 8 days played and 24 gold guns. Does the famas sniper glitch still work? If so i will post a tutorial on it. Or i will just let you do it if you want.
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Voi- he watches little children at night but makes the best cookies EVOOR.
Bench-he is a bench...what else?jk BENCH IS AMAZING. He is chill and funnayyy
Magical-you coke addicted spider
Jay-you always come back to...
Hello everyone welcome to my iPod/iPhone/Mac Megathread
•TuT• How To Get Cool Smilies On Your IDevice
Here is how to get cool smilies on your IDevice. So first you have to go to settings> general>keyboard>international keyboard>then
Choose Japanese. Ok now go to whatever site...
in the shoutbox i always split up my sentences instead of putting it into one so sometimes it may look like im spamming and continuously talking. So idk.