• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. X

    bench`s forza 3 car shop

    Anything. Its ok if you cant.
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    bench`s forza 3 car shop

    I just need a unicorn car for my friend HackUhShaq
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    bench`s forza 3 car shop

    Do u have any unicorn cars? Whenever i try bidding for one some fgt with like 99999999999@99999999999999999999 coins gets it -_- And what also gets on my nerve is that they rarely go for auctioning
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    Funny Spoiler

    Haha i was going to use that as my sig for tgdb but i had to show my love to those badasses out there
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    They may have stopped SOPA but we still have PIPA to deal with. Nuff
  6. X

    I got Awesome!

    LMFAO @Voi Congrats man. Keep up the good work. But watch out for voi.....he watches little children 0.0
  7. X

    List Of Xbox GamerTags

    RE: List of xbox GamerTags. Xbox live is 10 years old as of last month. Gamertag:Classificate
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    Post all Yo Mama Jokes Here

    RE: yo mama joke thread post them here Yo mama's so stupid she taped a piece of paper to the tv and said she was watching Pay-per-view
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    List of all PSN ID's

    Fixed :)
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    Hi im MsR

    Hey msr. I like your graphics. Read the rules, stay active, and most importantly....STAY ACTIVE :)
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    Hi and This is it

    Hai jeta. Just stay. We havnt had any downtime yet. :)
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    I have joined this site - Mollify

    RE: I have joined this site too many times. - Mollify Who dis scrandom? O thats rite... Youz beh mollify :D
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    Waazzzzaaap Im Voi

    O...maii.....gawd....HAII VOIIII
  14. X

    New User--ME!

    Heyy google i liek your name 8) Welcome to teh sitez0rz. Read the rules and stay active
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    Who do you think is going to win the superbowl?

    Who do you think is going to win the superbowl? NY Giants or the New England Patriots?
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    Giants are in the superbowl!!!!

    Hah it was a really close game. Giants vs the 49ers 17-17 in overtime and tynes gets the field goal :)
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    How to have better hit detection

    1)turn off theater from the muliplayer main menu options. 2) now you have better hit detection. But remember this is NOT an aimbot so dont expect to hit across the map noscopes every shot
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    How to blow up C4's without switching guns.

    1)Lay down your C4. 2)double tap X or square. 3) bam now your c4 blows up without your character switching out your gun to pull out the C4 clicker
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    How to have automatic akimbo pistols.

    1)Shoot the right akimbo gun until there is one more bullet left in the clip. 2)Now click the Y button (triangle), also click RT(R1), and then LT(L1) all at the same. 3)Now go troll some kids in search and destroy :)
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    How to have less recoil on the famas

    Ok im not sure if this works with any other gun than the famas but try it out because it is quite easy. 1)setup a class with the famas. 2)When putting it on the class put on red dot sight 3)Change the red dot color to BLUE. 4)BAM there you go. 0 Recoil :)