• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Naiwen

    What are your interests?

    Foods, foods, foods, & foods again...
  2. Naiwen

    700 Posts

    Keep it up guys!
  3. Naiwen

    Are you like me?

    Nop. not as much like or as ya... I loath makin use of it, so only sometimes or once in a whilst...in a blue moon..
  4. Naiwen

    Simple Badges for you to use

    Simple, but real nice, stunnin to me! Well done on it, or good job along with it!
  5. Naiwen

    Last thing you ate & drank

    I just had a Hersheys...
  6. Naiwen

    Last thing you ate & drank

    Vanilla Milk Cream!
  7. Naiwen

    Sorry Everyone. :(

    thats all fine & dandy...
  8. Naiwen

    Fav foods?

    RE: Fav foods? yep me too or ditto or took words right outta my mouth in fact... some lasaga too & some pizzas the most in fact.
  9. Naiwen

    Last thing you ate & drank

    "Hershey's milk"...
  10. Naiwen

    How do you feel about dislikes?

    Haters always gonna hate anyways, but whateva floats ya boat, or whateva's ya cuppa tea eh? I kinda liked the old version better eh?
  11. Naiwen

    Last thing you ate & drank

    Had a hershey'...
  12. Naiwen

    Keyboard + Mouse

    I don't game on mine pc, but I do play some music on it... XDD
  13. Naiwen

    Cod 4 Infections.

    I don't use Skype anyways so yeah, that fixes it or sorts it out for me eh? XDD
  14. Naiwen

    Fav foods?

    yeah, its teh s****... XDD
  15. Naiwen

    Fish n Chips

    yep or ditto or true facts.
  16. Naiwen

    Fav foods?

    that sounded soo good man or dude! XDD
  17. Naiwen

    Fish n Chips

    Trust me, or mark ma words, its good... XDD
  18. Naiwen

    Fav foods?

    yep, as weird as it might seem to ya, its quite possible to enjoy it? Not all foods are that nasty/horrible... XDd
  19. Naiwen

    Fish n Chips

    Naw, with ale actually or mulled or spicy wines!
  20. Naiwen

    What are you listening to?

    yeah yeah, Baby baby oh... I thought you'd always be thar... XDD just to grind ya gears or annoy ya or get ya goat up... XDDD or to get under ya skin! Hes also sang the "As lon as ya love me" which grated on mine nerves a lot, his voice couldn't hold the candle to the Backstreet Boy's!