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Search results

  1. Naiwen

    New Resident Evil 6 Demo Incoming

    Really into this series a lot... one of my favs...
  2. Naiwen

    Halo vs. COD?

    Halo for me, not the other one..
  3. Naiwen

    Fish n Chips

    Me as well man, love it next to pizzas, Mexican or etc... with waht do ya eat it or savor it?
  4. Naiwen

    Favorite NBA Player(s)?

    Micheal Jordan! Greatest basket playar evar!
  5. Naiwen

    What are you listening to?

    JB for the heck or the fun of it...
  6. Naiwen

    Some music I made

    Real nice, i dig it... XDD
  7. Naiwen

    Fish n Chips

    A wee bit new to English eh? XDD
  8. Naiwen

    Fish n Chips

    yep course, we also got it thar where I reside in or live in... XDD
  9. Naiwen

    Fish n Chips

    Why or wherefore not? I love it, I think its the best thin evar! & no, not from the UK nor Britain's, from Canada's!
  10. Naiwen

    Favourite Childhood toy

    them too for me, I loved them or fancied them when I was youn! XDDD
  11. Naiwen

    Flying People !

    I thought twas weird or it struck me as thus or so... or hit me as much or so...
  12. Naiwen

    Bangers & Mashy

    So this one, hath it crossed ya mind or spurred ya to try it or to give it a go? I did sample it & miam! XDD
  13. Naiwen

    Fish n Chips

    How ya fancy it? How ya all eat it? I like it or adore or cherish it with my fingertips, ketchup, fries, or baked or mashed... XDDD
  14. Naiwen

    What places would you like to visit?

    lawl, XDDD... anyways, wantin or hopin to go to or to travel to or to set foot to Japan's one day!
  15. Naiwen

    Last thing you ate & drank

    Havin a coffee right nao...
  16. Naiwen

    Fav Bands?

    ya meant linkin park's eh? xddd
  17. Naiwen

    Fav foods?

    ditto or took words from ma mouth man or true facts... XDD
  18. Naiwen

    What places would you like to visit?

    Lets tick off the places I wish to go or travel to Japan, Viet, Thailand & etc...
  19. Naiwen

    Favourite Class

    Dont got handpicked ones... really I wouldn't mind...
  20. Naiwen

    Fav foods?

    Me I fancy Indian curry & garlic potatoes...