• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

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  1. Gray

    Gray's Resignation.

    Hey guys, I'm resigning from everything BUT not Forum Admin, I'll stay as that. Long story short, things gone to shit, might aswell resign now instead of being demoted in the near future. Tryed my best to do my job but couldn't do anything else but wait. Also bit to much negativity. Listen to...
  2. Gray

    Gray's 10th Report

    ------17-23----- Was on LOA for part of the week. 1# Staff: Gray Desc: User joined TS and was going around and mic spamming in channels, one being mine. He also kept changing his name, I verbal warned him and let him go after. Forgot the name of user. Other stuff: Gave tags to new users and...
  3. Gray

    Grays 9th Incident Report

    ----April 10th-15th---- #1 Staff: Gray Users: Barlex/Poptart Desc: Poptart/Barlex kept spam changing names such as “In denial” and other names, I pulled him into a channel and told him not to spam change his name. Verbal Warning. #2 Staff: Gray, Skip Users: Bradley, Zeus Desc: Bradley...
  4. Gray

    Future Jobs

    This thread is to be kinda serious. Non serious posts, or rude posts on this thread will be deleted. Now, soon enough I will be heading to Univeristy... So far I plan on studying Doctor of Medicine, and getting a degree, I also plan on learning more about technology, but more on the Military...
  5. Gray

    Gray's 8th Incident Report

    ----April 2nd-April 9th------ #1 Staff: Gray User: Cyan Desc: Cyan had a racist avatar with the N word on it. I removed his avatar and told him not to have a racial avatar. Verbal Warning. #2 Staff: Skip, Gray Users: Daytona, Flash, Fezz (Flash and Fezz not the problem) Desc: Daytona was...
  6. Gray

    Grays 7th Report

    -------Mar 26th-April 1st-------- #1 Staff Involved: Gray User: Salamander Description: Salamander had a Racial avatar. I deleted his photo and verbal warned him about putting racial words in his avatars. Side notes: Not much really happened to me this week regarding TS. Extra: Gave...
  7. Gray

    Gray's 6th Incident report

    -------19th-25th--------- #1 Staff Involved: Gray Users: Daytona Description: Daytona was Mic spamming/using soundboards in Tomboys channel, I gave him a verbal warning but he didn't listen so I kicked him from the channel. #2 Staff Involved: Gray Users: Pip, Korjack Description: I...
  8. Gray

    Grays Face Reval

    Face Reval boi's! *jokes*
  9. Gray

    Gray's TS Log #5

    ------Mar. 12th-18th---- #1 Staff involved: Gray Users: Salamander Description: Salamander was putting pictures of racial slurs in his avatar, I removed it twice, for the first I poked him due to him being AFK, for the second I talked to him and person and he has seemed to stop. #2 Staff...
  10. Gray

    Gray's TS Log #4

    --------Mar. 6-11th 2017------- #1 Staff involved: Gray, Paladin Users: Charger, Medikkai Description: Medikkai was putting Nazi related images onto his avatar, me and Paladin verbal warned him once then returned back to our business. Couple minutes later he put a cock into his avatar, me...
  11. Gray

    Forum Post Ranks Rebirth

    Some of you may remember from Axiom we had a system with ranks when you reach a certain amount of posts, you will get a tittle under your name of the rank and a emblem, this system is a bit different as emblems are not implemented yet, they may however possibly in the future. Ranks: New...
  12. Gray

    Gray's Incident Report #3

    ------Feb 26-March 5th------ #1 Staff involved: Mercy, Gray User: Cyan Mercy came to me saying that Cyan was abusing his powers by giving tags to people without permission. I told him/verified what he should have done and Mercy dealt with it. #2 Staff Involved: Gray Users: Goose, Snoke...
  13. Gray

    FO Change

    As you all know, FO needs a change to possibly something different... Management, my staff and I, have been looking at ideas that the community has presented to us, we only chose 3, but thank you to those who gave their ideas..... This is what the staff team voted for the most. WW2 Polish...
  14. Gray

    Gray's Incident Report #2

    -------------------Feb. 19-25 2017--------------- Found Overdrive kicking Pocket out of the Medical channel so I went to talk to Overdrive, he and the others told me that Pocket kept joining and not leaving so Overdrive kicked him. I went to Pocket and warned him about doing it again...
  15. Gray

    7 Earth Like Planets

    Recently 7 Earth like planets surrounding one small star were found 39 light-years away! So far the planets all have water from what's been told, also that the planets could possibly hold life.. If you want more info look here...
  16. Gray

    Gray's Incident Report #1

    Logs of what has happened and I've moderated on TS. Gray’s TS Log Report ----Feb. 12-18 2017---- NOTE: During this week I have been on LOA/Reduced activity so I haven't been able to get on TS as much as I did while off LOA. Feb 14. Blasty threatened to kick someone out of a channel...
  17. Gray

    Running for everything meme

    "I am running for Fourm administration, TS admin, Director or staff manager, PR." Anyone remember this meme said1 month ago.
  18. Gray

    Story Time

    So, some may know that I'm in Punta Cana.. Well recently today I was walking by the beach to see a batch of baby puppies by themselves.... I went with my friend and her sister... I'm a dog guy btw, my pup being Fergus Anyways... The puppies were by themselves and me and my friend and her...
  19. Gray

    Gray's vid corner!

    So me and Fry aswell as Paladin... I created this meme recently with... It's around first order staff... And some others, there will be shout outs in my vids towards people, here's my first ;) @Joff @Fry @TheGrandBanana @Lady Xionix @Jordan @Paladin$ @MLG Bot Urlic (Katz) @Cyan @Tomboy
  20. Gray

    Endless Alert #4

    What is up Endless Alert nation! I'm your host killllerrrrGrayyyyStarrrr!!!! Let's get riggghhhhhtt into the news!!! First up on the news for today, Osiris resigns from director!!? This is an old topic but Osiris the lord of memes! Had resigned! He is still gonna be with the community so don't...