• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Gray


    So currently I have two computers, one being a Windows desktop computer and another being a Mac Book, currently my desk top computers broken so I'm stuck using the Mac... Theres a way to make a Mac into a Windows computer instead of it using Mac software.. I'm tempted to switch to it so I can...
  2. Gray

    Ban Appeal Format

    ALT Accounts are not allowed even for making ban appeals! If you want to make a appeal, ask a steam friend or someone in the community to post it for you and provide the Appeal information! If banned, you will keep previous warns if unbanned! Your ban warn however will be removed! -------------...
  3. Gray

    Endless Alert #3

    (Totally does not say Drama Alert) What is up Endless alert nation! I'm your host killllerrrrgrayyystarrr! Let's get riggggghhhhhttt into the newwwws!!! So first I would like to say, sorry for the lack of content recently, the first weeks of when we merged didn't have much drama but now we...
  4. Gray

    Accepted Gray's TS Staff App

    You as a Teamspeak Moderator will be given specific permission to do as you are REQUIRED to do according to the rules of the Teamspeak. This application will be giving to those set in charge of the teamspeak the basic knowledge required to properly continue the process of choosing their staff...
  5. Gray

    Favourite Star Wars Rebels/Clone wars Episodes?

    So I've about watched the clone wars series about 4 time fully now and I've been watching Star Wars Rebels as well, I wanted to hear what your favourite episodes are... Mine are all the Fives episodes due to them having a large story and watching Fives basically grow on as a clone going from a...
  6. Gray

    DDoser/BR situation

    Blueroad has been using different IPs, some he used on Axiom fourms to Ddos others such as myself, Well tried to Ddos me. So far we have found 2 of his accounts, tell any Fourm staff if you find any more of his accounts.
  7. Gray


    What's up endless alert nation! I'm your host KILLERGRAYSTAR! Let's get right into the news! Recently Jordan has been demoted by the founders... Supposly he rocketed CW and nuked it from my sources... He also removed twos tags and his channels and kicked him! More news will be reported soon...
  8. Gray

    Endless Alert #2

    What's up endless alert nation! I'm your host KillllerrrrrGrayStar!!! Let's get riggghhhhhtttt into the newwwws!! So first up today! Recently are map has been stolen by another community, it has been reuploaded by them aswell! These guys didn't even give us credit!! Currently we are trying to...
  9. Gray

    Thoughts on the new mid season trailer for Star Wars Rebels

    Hey guys, recently the new trailer shows a ton of stuff, like death troopers, the dark saber, Thrawn beating the shit out of some droids with his fists and of course saw. The character we know from Rouge one, Star Wars the clone wars and now soon enough Rebels. Tell me what you guys think.
  10. Gray

    Endless Alert

    What's up endless alert nation! I'm your host, killlerrgrayyystarrr!!!! Let's get riggggggghhhhhttt into the news!!!! Now to start off today, with the whole change of the fourms and stuff like that it's been a tad hard on us, but aside from that lets get into the news! First off today on the...
  11. Gray

    Suggestion Minecraft Factions

    Now there has been discussion of this on another post but hey! Why not bring it to a actual suggestion, now if you don't know what Minecraft factions is -Minecraft Factions is a Minecraft Gamemode based around PVP, you build a base, create a Faction, get better gear, make money off of selling...