• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Jordan

    Windows 10

    Well, I just updated my main laptop to Windows 10. So far I am loving the new features. The upgrade took a couple hours, but went very smoothly. Nothing needed to be fixed. (so far!) It will vary on your computer, and it's sepcs. I'm lucky I had no issues :) One thing I am really enjoying...
  2. Jordan

    Lets Get Social!

    Follow us beyond our website! We are going social :) Join us! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GameRebels Twitter: https://twitter.com/Game_Rebels Steam Groups: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GameRebels Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/GameRebels Tumblr: http://gamerebels.tumblr.com/
  3. Jordan

    Board Wide Updates V2

    Ahh yes, I am always working to improve the site :) I got some more board wide updates for everyone! Trophy System The default XenForo trophy system has been expanded to include several new features and trophies! Head over to the Trophy Section to see the new trophies you can earn on our site...
  4. Jordan

    Green Man Gaming Official Partner

    Game Rebels is now a proud official partner of Green Man Gaming. Their service which has been open since May 2010, allows gamers to buy and download games from a range of platforms including Steam, Origin, Uplay, Xbox Live, and the PlayStation Network. They are an official partner and retailer...
  5. Jordan

    Home Burnt Down

    Well, updates to GR and my activity to the site may not be 100% as of right now for a little while. My home burnt down. I will be actively cleaning up the mess, and getting damage reports. Already in the 10's of thousands. :'( Hope to be back as active soon!
  6. Jordan

    Board Wide Updates

    Some updates to the forum have been making it's way in slowly. All are minor updates. Mostly cosmetic. These have been making it's way on to our forum within the past two weeks. Animated Avatars Previously you where able to upload your GIFs as an avatar, but the animation would only show up on...
  7. Jordan

    Currency System and Shop Updates

    We have finished with the new installation of the new system. Both the currency system and the shop has been completely re done. The old system that was in place is by a developer no longer being supported by me and many others. Therefore, it was time to invest into a new system. The new shop...
  8. Jordan

    Terms and Rules Updated

    We want to provide the best user experience on our forums and servers as we possibly can! However, users must know that there are certain limits which we can tolerate.We want to maintain a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone to participate in. Below you will find the link to our new...
  9. Jordan

    Game Rebels is Hiring!

    Do you live and breathe games? You may be in luck! We are looking for several people who are passionate about gaming and love to both play and discuss the topic. We have several roles that are opening up. These roles include but are not limited to: Back-end Developer - Open $Paid Looking for...
  10. Jordan

    Fable: The Lost Chapters

    This thread is for testing purposes of our Review System :) I am currently editing and tweaking things! This is not yet a public system!
  11. Jordan

    Our Launch and Custom Theme

    We are now officially launching our website to the public domain. Advertising our site, and hoping to bring in more users :) We have installed are brand new custom theme that was designed over at PixelExit. We would love to hear some feedback, and opinions. If anyone encounters any bugs or...
  12. Jordan

    Smite Xbox One Beta

    For those of you who like moba games, smite has been the talk of the storm for some time. Now they are opening up betas for the xbox one. Check out the video below :)
  13. Jordan

    Live Streams

    Hello fellow rebels! We are now pleased to announce that we are now supporting our users who stream their game play live! Heading over to the streams page will give you a list of our current users who are currently online and streaming. Anyone who is eager to look and watch can go and click...
  14. Jordan

    Character Showoff

    This thread will be here for you to show off some of your characters in the game :) To start, I will show some of mine. My Priest: Bubblesz WoWHead URL to Live: http://www.wowhead.com/list=4370252/us-echo-isles-bubblesz My Hunter: Bounter WoWHead URL to Live...
  15. Jordan

    Typewriter Art. Very Inspiring

    "Paul Smith is an incredible artist who creates his works of art using a typewriter. Unfortunately, he was born with cerebral palsy, a severe disability that affects his motor abilities and strength. In his Oregon nursing, he types away using 1 finger tirelessly." Read More...
  16. Jordan

    Introducing Rebellions and Shop

    There are two new features of our site. Rebellions and the Shop. Each having a new important role on the forums! The rebellions is the new virtual currency of Game Rebels. There are currently two ways in which our users can obtain them. The first is a reward simply by participating on the...
  17. Jordan

    Pandaria Awaits - Blizzard Gives Free MoP to Everyone

    So now that their new expansion is just around the corner, today of the official pre-launch update, they announced that World of Warcraft will now include every expansion up to and including MoP. They also stated that anyone with a World of Warcraft account has also been upgraded to MoP if they...
  18. Jordan

    Gamer Profile Icons Added

    The people over at pixelExit, the ones who also happen to develop this theme released a free xF addon today which suits this site very well. The addon allows you to update your gaming profiles on the forum. To do so, please edit your contact details. On messages through out the forum: Don't...
  19. Jordan

    Welcome to Game Rebels!

    We are now welcoming all future rebels! Game Rebels is a community based website focused around gamers and player interaction. Well we are currently in the mists of setting things up, we welcome you to join in on our discussions! We also will let you know to not hesitate to start your own...
  20. Jordan

    MMO ToolTips

    Linking to items on the forum from several MMO Games can be achieved. All you have to do is Link to that item and it will work :) Supported Games: Like so: World of Warcraft: Wepaons: http://www.wowhead.com/item=13262, http://www.wowhead.com/item=49623/shadowmourne...