• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Referal

    My Top 5 Best FREE Games I played on Steam

    I played a lot of games on Steam but with the lags and game glitches I found it challenging to play certian games here my top 5 games I would recommend. NOTE These are FREE Games and Not Paid. NOTE If you guys know any more free multiplayer FPS games on Steam that too fre please let me know I...
  2. Referal

    Call of Duty Heroes

    I am very found of Call of Duty but I very much like its copy clash of clans its game its called Call of Duty Heroes its very much same to clash of clans RPG type game its fun to play when your bored and its free But I feel it could be better on PC and Phones if they added like a 3D experience...
  3. Referal

    Is it Good getting int PUBG

    Ok so those who didn't understand my thread let me rephrase it I have many friends and family friends who play PUBG Players Battleground and have said You should try and its better then Fortnite but from my perspective or view point I fell Fortnite is better it offers 2 versions the paid and...
  4. Referal

    Suggestion Royal Marine Commando Shop

    Can Royal Marine Commando be added to the shop its a FP base style game so military style game set in 1941 as I feel this game is more fit for our store and many users here would love to You know get a know it a bit better Link to the Steam Store is provided here for those who wish to buy and it...
  5. Referal

    Question Steam Summer Sale 2018

    Steam Has started its summer sale for 2018 I was wondering if GameRebeles will be adding some discounts or freebies games to the shop over the summer month 2018? Also is GarryMOD going to be added to the shop I would love to see it on here again as it used to be on here but was removed. Still...
  6. Referal

    How do you create your own Virtual World Game?

    I was wondering What are some steps or how exactly do you create a virtual world something like Woozworld or Club Penguin I tried Googling and Youtube but there aren't much Tutorials on at least new ones they are 7-10 years old videos? Still Looking for any answers if members on here have...
  7. Referal

    530 Post Reached!

    I have reached 530 posts on here a new milestone in needed strange I reached this many posts and its good too I love to activity on this again.
  8. Referal

    Question Updates for the Forum soon?

    I know its been a while since I last posted but I was wondering if there is gonna be any site updates for game rebels for 2018 Summer or Fall as I remember correctly you guys were working on a new theme but it has not been released yet to the community and the Shop system needs to have more...
  9. Referal

    Good Gaming Tips

    On this that I just thought of it gaming tips and tricks here you show what are some of your tips or Tricks that you can think of like when you start the Ie I always press random controls like I start of with Y or O if I am on the Play Station or Xbox 360 if I am on the PC I just press a random...
  10. Referal


    I just found this cool game called WarFrame is an FPS game and something similar I feel to PlanetSide expect much much cooler and has better features in the game you can spend even real steam money on certain equipment clothing different characters etc. I have added their story here those to...
  11. Referal

    Suggestion Love to screenshots or GamePlay Trailers/Reviews

    So this question is about the Shop and the games in it I was thinking if there were screenshots of the game trailers and reviews people can check it and if they like it they can buy it reviews also helps as people or users can know if the product or the game key is working or there is bug in the...
  12. Referal

    Know any good BootStrap Templates

    Do you guys used bootstrap if so do you know any free or websites the offer both free and paid Bootstrap templates that you use something like W3School has to offer with the code and everything not else or more. thanks,
  13. Referal

    Banner Made

    I just made these banners a few weeks ago I just wanted your guys review on what you like about it and what you don't so I learn and make it better the next time I am doing a banner or artwork thank you for taking the time and reviewing Referal.
  14. Referal

    Batman Arkham Knight Error Help Needed.

    So I while back when means like a year ago I brought Batman Arkham Knight since I am like a huge fan of Batman and games etc... But anyways I brought (From here using the Points needed) and I posted like a lot more content but once had it shows error and it closes the game down on steam has...
  15. Referal

    Which Game would you recommend Between Fortnite or PUBG?

    A friend told me to start playing fortnite but I have never played the game and I am used to playing PUBG but he says its similar but I want to know from you guys which game is better in between this I know the game is similar except one is free and other doesn't have an option of paid or free...
  16. Referal

    see R$ points on Mobile app

    Can the GameRebels app have an update where you can see your point how much R$ points you have made as it currently doesn't show.
  17. Referal

    Question Santa is coming to GR?

    The Holidays/Christmas is right around the corner do you think that santa a Bot on GameRebels would be on and giving us like 10 or 20 R$ on Dec 25 2017? or some contest gonna happen during that day?
  18. Referal

    What is Rift

    I have heard of this game called Rift what is this game about do people still play it and was it fun would you recommend me or anyone who has never played this game before? I still need to know what exactly is this game about RIFT as I have heard of this game many times talked about here and...
  19. Referal

    Suggestion Music on Profiles

    I was thinking maybe it would be better to have Music on Profiles that way users can choose which music they want. Friendly BUMP
  20. Referal

    Best GameBoys Colors

    I have used to play alot of GameBoys I feel Red and Blue used to be my pick but if I had to choose I will go with Red as its my favorite color I don't why really but since I was a kid I liked it and then Blue but I had a Blue game boy so I know the feeling now its your turn? which color would...