• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Referal

    E3 Discussion Thread

    I personally liked the EA show. They put a lot of games out there, if you've been on Facebook you've probably seen the prison game. That's through EA from what I remember. I personally liked it, though being a huge sims fan I wish they put out something big for that I'm really hyped for...
  2. Referal

    Albion Online

    Who here is interested in the game? I've been playing it for my whole free time (Though it consists of only a small amount of time per day as of recently) I've made a guild with over 100+ members, and have been having a blast with it. Has anyone played it, plays it, or is interested in it?
  3. Referal

    Open World Horror Game

    Would y'all be interested in having a game like Skyrim/Fallout but set in a post apocalyptic world full of nothing but horror type creatures. I'm not saying the cliche zombie open world, I'm saying something like jump scares from Fear 2, Puzzles from P.T. (PS4 Demo), Hiding and running like...
  4. Referal

    Path of Exile

    Does anyone here play Path of Exile? For the past few years I've played it a few times, and just now decided to give it yet another shot after being super bored. I'm really loving it now that I've actually taken the time to look into it, understand it, etc. I actually just dropped $50 on it for...
  5. Referal

    RIP My 2 SNES

    So, I was playing Final Fantasy 2 (My favorite game) on my Super Nintendo when suddenly out of nowhere it reset the game to the starting screen. Figuring it was just some glitch as it's an old system I hopped back on and tried to play when it did the same thing. And then it started to refresh...
  6. Referal

    Favorite game coming out for Switch?

    What is the game you're most anticipating for the new Nintendo Switch? I personally won't be getting one, but the only reason I would, would be the new open world Zelda game. It actually looks really badass imo.
  7. Referal

    Identifying, Removing, and Preventing Malware

    Malware comes in many forms, from an unwanted ad reappearing on your site to an executable file that infects visitors who click on it. Telltale signs that your site is infected can include unexplained ads, links or pop-ups, but some malware can have no noticeable effects at all. Your best...
  8. Referal

    Planeside Clan

    Hey All, So I am planning on opening my own outfit or squad for Planetside As I am really bored every time I login onto the game and its always quite its out of peak time which is around 5PM or sometimes 7PM when people are out or in Bed this is EST (Eastern Time Zone) I haven't really thought...
  9. Referal

    Suggestion PlanetSide Section (Sub Forum)

    We need a planet side 2 section on here as I know not many plays as its 5 year old game but it can benefit the community as I and I know @Jog plays it and plus on the good side it is a good game play on Steam Xbox PS4 etc there isn't much I can say but please add this game to the gameRebels...
  10. Referal

    Gaming Lagging

    Have you ever been in a Game and every time you do something it lags like a lot I have mostly experienced it on PC not on my Xbox or Wii But It tends to bother me as it only happens when I playing against a team and our team has to win as everyone knows it lags at the wrong min at the wrong time...
  11. Referal

    THIS Game Though..

    I started to Play PlanetSide and I gonna say I really enjoyed it so far and no this is not a gaming review or article but anyways PlanetSide 2 is a good game I must say dear users but without the GamePad it seems to lag a lot or disconnect on steam when you are trying to control a vehicle or jet...
  12. Referal

    Question Adding sources to Post?

    So as you know sometimes it difficult in some ways posting content on any forums most importantly this :) as many people are trying to post things that are already posted on this forum. So my question is it ok to post something on this forum founded on another website or Forum with You giving...
  13. Referal

    The Best CPU For Gaming Right Now

    When it comes to CPUs, I almost always prefer Intel, they make some good stuff, but I think they may have a worthy competitor, AMD's Ryzen 3 1200 CPU. This is a 3.1 GHz Quad-Core processor, but the real kicker? It's only 109USD. Mic drop. Not to mention, if you put this thing in a build with an...
  14. Referal

    What to play next after Far Cry 4?

    Anyone able to recommend me games like Far Cry 4? I'm a huge fan of the series and there seems to be some lists online, but they all seem a bit weird (case in point: https://www.gamecupid.com/games/far-cry-3/games-like) Quite a few people have said that Last of the Tomraider is like Far Cry 4 -...
  15. Referal

    Pre-Order vs Rental?

    Are you more of a pre-order person, where you order the games well in advance because you know deep down the game is going to be good as well as for the bonus content, or are you more of a rental person, playing it safe by renting the game before making a judgment on the quality of it?
  16. Referal

    Halo Wars 2 Info

    After decades adrift and declared "lost with all hands," the brave crew of the UNSC Spirit of Fire are mysteriously awoken above an ancient Forerunner haven known as the Ark. In Halo Wars 2, Captain Cutter and his crew will face one of humanity's most formidable threats yet: The Banished – a...
  17. Referal

    Suggestion Add more staff members

    As I have said on my previous posts and thread I was thinking how about adding more Staff members here as I know there are a few online and everyone has different time zones and the more few staff members on here the more better GR can be due on Activity and user competitions and prizes and...
  18. Referal

    What's your most played game on Steam?

    As the title says, It'd be interesting to see which games you've played the most. Since steam has a "Time played:" Feature, I'm after your most played Steam game. Minecraft isn't on everyones steam, so I won't count that in. My most played game is: Fallout 4 with 568 hours played. I Love the...
  19. Referal

    The Sims Free Play

    This is one of the most played simulation games and available worldwide. It is online game you would require to connect with internet connect. Medium speed of internet may work. Play the world’s most popular life simulation game! This app offers in-app purchases. You may disable in-app...
  20. Referal

    PlanetSide 2

    Does anyone on here Play PlanetSide 2 its a really cool game to play kinda reminds me of Halo but a better verison for steam Its a FPS game where you can play with other players make a squad same any other Game out there its a cool game if you guys more Info on it I have posted a gameplay video...