• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Referal

    Do you like Kratos?

    Kratos, the son of Zeus, is a god killer. Well, during his humble beginnings, he was just a crony for Ares. He killed men for the god of war. But when he was tricked into killing his wife and kids, his journey for revenge began. He slayed many beasts and monsters until finally, he slayed Ares...
  2. Referal

    Name your best habbo Hotel experience?

    I remember getting along with some friends to go to these games rooms and try to win new items that we would share. These games are great for meeting new people but it's also a great deal of fun is just a couple of friends hang out from room to room to play things like labyrinth. Recently I even...
  3. Referal

    What's your favorite boss fight?

    The moments I prefer absolutely in games are boss fights! Why? Because they are amazing! They can be huge, challenging, epic, they can extremely good and one of the best moment in games! What are your favorites? For me, I'll say that the majority of Dark Souls series bosses are fantastic...
  4. Referal

    What game are you looking forward to in 2018?

    I know that we're a few months away from 2018 as we are in October but hey! Us, gamers always get hyped when we see new trailers and information about the upcoming games, even if they're years away. We saw many new games shown at the E3 2017 and I'm really wondering what games are you guys...
  5. Referal

    Sad Games Ending

    There are some games that have us intrigued with the plot, and some of them almost made us cry at the end! For example a classic game in this case is To The Moon, as well as the first season of The Walking Dead. But another game, often overlooked, that had me teared up at the end, was a small...
  6. Referal

    Thoughts on Ubisoft games?

    must say that Ubisoft has had some really nice titles released so far, but what has always annoyed me so much about Ubisoft is how little they cared about creating a stable product before releasing it. There are numerous examples, and most of newer titles serve as a really good example. What...
  7. Referal

    What do you think about the Better Together Minecraft Update?

    A little over a year ago Microsoft & Mojang made it so that Windows 10 PC and Android and IOS could play on the same Realm. And they are about to take it a step further with the "Better Together Update". Windows 10, Android, IOS, Xbox, and Nintendo are all going to play on the same realm/server...
  8. Referal

    DOes anyone play Ninendo Wii anymore

    I have a Wii Nintendo at Home I haven’t used it for months The last I used I believe was last year so 1 year ago But I don’t have many games on it does anyone still play Nintendo Wii anymore like me?
  9. Referal

    HAbbo Retros dying

    So many people say that Habbo Retros are dying since they are few new ones out there and with very less activities like they open for a few months then close due to management issues or Less activity from people what do you guys think of this I know this true as I have seen retros die
  10. Referal

    PACMan Vs Sonic

    What if one day they had a game where PACMan had to battle Sonic the hedgehog would you play if so what would like to added to it I would to see PacMan in Different colors other then yellow and be able to play 2 Characters either Sonic or Pacman
  11. Referal


    So, who likes this genre? Which games have you played or are you currently playing? Do you have one (or more) to recommend? I was a big World of Warcraft fan for quite a while. I still mess with it a little bit, but it's not like it used to be. I'd love to find something similar to play...
  12. Referal

    Favorite Microsoft Strategy Game?

    Hello everyone! I'm starting this new thread to ask what's your favorite Microsoft strategy game. Microsoft titles include all the Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, Rise of Nations, Halo Wars, and others. My personal favorite is Age of Empires II and its recent update, HD Edition on Steam. I...
  13. Referal

    Call of Duty on Console?

    I have found that playing call of duty on console is lot more fun. I have played some of the version of the game on PC. So I didn't thought it'd be that easy console. And it takes time to get used to the console some of the times. Considering I am more of a PC user, I wonder if anyone else have...
  14. Referal

    What's your favorite game of all time?

    From the year that gaming started and to where it is now, there are a lot of classic or modern games to choose from. But if you'd ask me, my answer would definitely be... Atari's PONG. This was the very first mainstream game on the market even if the word mainstream wasn't mainstream yet...
  15. Referal

    Feedback Site Seems good

    The Site seems to be back online again just wanted to post this thanks @Jordan I think the only thing that is missing is users but since school is back again I am gonna guess people are busy in real life stuff school stufff.
  16. Referal

    Xbox Having other games work on XBOX

    What do you guys think if Other gaming platforms like PS4 and Wii Games on XBOX would this benefit Xbox with their products like will more people buy it I know for one I would buy it as many of my games are on PS4 and other platforms your ideas and thoughts?
  17. Referal

    League Legends are terrible Game

    I used to play League of Legends a lot growing up but since they keep updating the servers and game it kinda gets hard to play the game they should have the bad server as they keep users out if its get full.
  18. Referal

    Future PC AI

    I want the Future computers to have AI artificial intelligent basically become more advanced then today's computers with voice communication and basically is compatible with any other software like you can turn it into a TV if you want it too or a MP3 Player Your thoughts.
  19. Referal

    Trump lawyers scramble to prepare for new stage of Russia probe

    President Donald Trump’s White House and personal lawyers scrambled Saturday to learn where the knife might fall in the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller, triggering a guessing game among aides after days of trying to turn attention away from allegations of collusion with Russia...
  20. Referal

    300 Post Reached

    So first of all Oh shit yes I finally reached 300 Post on here time to celebrate for another 1000 more thank you, everyone, for ongoing support and help I have received on here.