• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Referal

    Bonfire Game Studio

    Have you heard about this new game studio called Bonfire? http://www.bonfirestudios.com/about-us I'm really excited about it because it was started by Rob Pardo. For those who don't know, he was one of the movers and shakers for the old school version of World of Warcraft, when that game was...
  2. Referal

    Card games are fun ya

    Anyone play any kind of card games? This can be something like Pokemon or Magic, something as simple as Uno, or maybe Poker if that is your cup of tea. I actually do enjoy Uno though I have not played in years. I also enjoy Poker but it is only fun when it is for money. The shame of me. lol So...
  3. Referal

    Metal Slug: Defense

    Hello everybody! I'm here to recommend a new game I downloaded for my smartphone over the weekend, I wanted a Castle Defense type of game and I ended up downloading Metal Slug: Defense. It's a really awesome game, it has the same graphics as the regular Metal Slug games and as I said before is a...
  4. Referal

    Quiz Up

    One of few games that I actually enjoyed playing on my phone was Quiz Up. I know a lot of people play the crap out of mobile games but it just doesn't do it for me. I guess if you are still in school or in college, it is great to kill time between classes but when you work a full-time job...
  5. Referal

    Upcoming mobile Games

    I have heard they are making new mobile games for your Android and iOS phones I have seen a few games for Android as I use it they are The elder scroll Legends Assassins creed rebellion and Goon Squad I saw these games in app under developments so anyway what games are you waiting for to be...
  6. Referal

    PS4 The 10 biggest announcements from PlayStation’s Paris Games Week 2017 keynote

    5 by Andrew Webster Oct 30, 2017, 1:12pm EDT SHARE TWEET LINKEDIN Ghost of Tsushima. Sony kicked off the 2017 edition of Paris Games Week with a slew of new announcements for both PS4 and PlayStation VR games. For the most part, the reveals were focused on 2018 and beyond. Alongside...
  7. Referal

    Indie games

    Share your indie recommendations!I'll recommend one game that has done great on Steam, namely "Papers, Please". The gameplay is ridiculously basic, but the game is so addicting. Steam
  8. Referal

    First PC?

    As the title says -When did you get your first pc? And what PC do you have now? Try to compare them and see how shitty your first pc was. My first PC was a Fujitsu. It was crap. Like realy crap, I couldn't play minecraft at 10 FPS.
  9. Referal

    SEO Success Tips - Be Seen

    Hello fellow GameRebels users, Besides the here & there help I've provided for those that have created a topic seeking assistance, I feel I have not really contributed much to this great community. So I am going to give back by providing some great SEO tools & knowledge from both the White Hat &...
  10. Referal

    Question Any Site Updates

    Are there gonna be any events coming on here soon either for Christmas or next year?
  11. Referal

    Is there a stigma attached to being a gamer?

    I had this talk with a friend the other days. We were talking about how a lot of older people look down on men who play video games. They say things like guys over a certain age shouldn't be interested in fake worlds and if you are old enough to drink, you are too old for video games. My...
  12. Referal

    Riptide GP renegade Ps4 multiplayer ???

    Can anyone please explain to me whether Riptide GP renegade multiplayer is same as that of Rocket league because I and my brother want to race against other friends online. Is it possible to do so or not. Actually, i don't have the game right now, thinking of buying it.
  13. Referal


    Welcome, Dopeboys! To Do the GM Glitch simply do the following!.... (LAST-GEN CONSOLES ONLY!!!) Some may be familiar with it.. as you know Rockstar released the last and final update for last gen consoles.... This GM Can NEVER BE PATCHED!!! ENJOY! (1.) Go into garage... (2.) Go onto the...
  14. Referal

    Good Mutilplayers games like Habbo Hotel

    So as I said in my old post about Multiplayer games I even google games like Habbo Hotel and Habbo Retro Alt but I never seem to find any good games if you guys know any games that are similar please do reply to this thread as I have searching for games like these I know MSP and OW our World...
  15. Referal

    which is better splatoon 1 or 2?

    i enjoy splatoon 2 more. of course played splatoon 1 more at the start because it was fresh and amazing. but i played splatoon 1 a week ago to compare and i can't go back. funny vid
  16. Referal

    Holy cow game industry (Best releases since 2007)

    Fall of 2007 set up a decades worth of sequels. It was the period which largely shaped current gaming. I just noticed the number of releases in the past month or so has been ENORMOUS (in terms of big games). I'm going to grant this caveat; I'm 95 percent or more pc player. Divinity 2, Forza 7...
  17. Referal

    Some help with purchase. Digital vs Psychical prices, pros and cons, and where to buy :)

    Hey guys ! Just wanted to know your take on the subject. I wanted to pre order Monster Hunter World + Ni no kuni for ps4 and Xenoblade chronicles 2 for Nintendo switch So, first of all i can't really find any good website that would sell any of them with reasonable shipping price to Poland, or...
  18. Referal

    Are you picking up Assassins Creed Origins (7.0 on GS) or Wolfenstein II :The New Colossus (9.0 on G

    Picked up Wolfenstein II : The New Colossus, will play it this weekend. Assassins Creed bore me after Black Flag anyways. Don't own a Switch, have fun with Super Mario Odyssey who are picking it up. And YAY for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. A solid AAA shooter after a long time XD wbu? :)
  19. Referal

    Which one of these horror/action titles is the better game and bargain?

    Ok, so Sony is doing their Sale of The Dead Week deals, and here are games I cannot decide upon. I will also list the price beside it for relevant advice.But basically what I am wondering is which of these should I take advantage of the most as the sale ends 10-31 & money is limited. Honest...
  20. Referal

    Nintendo leaks 2018/19

    I am a high ranking official in NOA, so for my job safety I can not reveal my, i hope the people reading this can understand. I am able to reveal the upcoming titles, hardware and assorted other things Nintendo has planned for Q3/4 2018 and Q1/2 2019. Without further ado, I will leak the leaks...