• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. ZXD22

    First Battlefield Game

    Yea my first one was Battlefield 4. I never really looked into the others in the series but maybe I will someday in the future. I'm having a blast with BF4 though and my god the graphics look amazing on it as well. Looking forward to having fun with the game for at least a year or two.
  2. ZXD22

    Favorite gun in BF4

    In Battlefield 4, I was a DMR noob. Yes I know DMRs kind of sucked in BF4 but I had a lot of success and fun with them. Loved to spam out my enemies with the SKS and I'd have a Target Locator, Supressor with a halo sight on it. Used to catch so many people off guard in Zavod conquest matches...
  3. ZXD22

    Gaming Chairs

    I don't use one. Would love to try one out someday though.
  4. ZXD22

    BF or COD?

    I'm more a of Battlefield Player. The massive maps always gets me as I love to run around and explore the scenery while kicking some ass in the process as well. Never really got too big into Call of Duty. It might be because I never really played much Call of Duty when I was younger. Battlefield...
  5. ZXD22

    Steam Summer Sale: 2017

    I've bought a couple of games during the sale. I bought Portal 1, the entire Doom franchise, entire Serious Sam franchise, Team Fortress Classic, and looking forward to buy Beaming.Godrive and CSGO maybe.
  6. ZXD22

    What 'Type' of OS do you use?

    I use a Windows 10 Home Edition. Funny that my disc both had Home and Ultimate edition on one so I got confused that you could use Ultimate, but I had to use Home Edition as the key would only work for that one. Oh well.
  7. ZXD22

    Favorite/Favourite Steam Game

    Oh my favorite steam game has totally got to be Team Fortress 2. I have accrued over two thousand hours on that game, almost a thousand hours as playing sniper alone. Don't worry though, I'm not one of those guys who sits in the back and camps the entire game, I pretty much do quick scope...
  8. ZXD22

    Which new PC games have caught your eye?

    I'm pretty sure a lot of people are going to agree with me on this one but the one game I have had my eye out for awhile now is the new Star Wars Battlefront II they are working on. I've been looking into some of the alpha gameplay tests and boy do they look good! A bunch of the Youtubers like...
  9. ZXD22

    What GPU?

    I got a Gigabyte 1080ti R1. The thing is a beast and I can overclock it on its Triple wind force fans pretty well. I'm looking to get a water cooled GPU block for it and hopefully that will help push the card beyond its limit. I usually only Overclock the GPU when I'm running extremely extensive...
  10. ZXD22

    Do you still use PC for playing games?

    I only game on my PC and my laptop when I'm on the move. The PC with the 1080ti GPU can basically run any game in the market right now at max settings and with my 1440p gaming monitor, it makes it a lot more enjoyable and fun! Laptop not as powerful, but still can play most games at low to...
  11. ZXD22

    What games do u play on steam

    I only have like 2 free games and they are Team Fortress 2 and Heroes and Generals. Not really into any of the other games. My top 3 most played tough are TF2, Ultra Street Fighter IV and a program called ASMR Universe. I use ASMR to create environment sounds that help me go to sleep like...
  12. ZXD22


    I just use Logitech H390 USB headset. For the price it surpasses my expectations. Nice clear sound quality from the speaker and also great speaker quality as well. I use it for gaming as well as for skype calls and such. It's awesome for the price you pay!
  13. ZXD22

    New to Game Rebels!

    Thank you! Hah thanks! Trust me Steam has more games than you may think ;)
  14. ZXD22

    Video Card

    I'm running the new Gigabyte 1080ti R1. I've been impressed by the power and speed of the card though! I can run games like Assetto Corsa and Dirt 4 on max settings on 1440p at over 100 fps with a mild overclock. I would love to get a water cooling block for the GPU sometime in the future so I...
  15. ZXD22

    Gaming Screen Resolution

    I usually play my games at 2560x1440 @ 165 hz overclocked. It's a Dell gaming s24 monitor and it pairs really well with my Gigabyte 1080ti R1!
  16. ZXD22

    Do you still Play Minecraft

    I pretty much stopped playing Minecraft more than a year ago. I just got bored of the concept after a while and moved on to other games like TF2 and the Dirt franchise. If a group of my friends decide to go back on Minecraft, I would love to join in and wreck havoc with them one more time but...
  17. ZXD22

    Team Fortress 3 ever happening?

    Team Fortress 2 still have some life in it. I would say another couple years until it completely bites the dust. As the others have said, Valve sure doesn't like to release games in three's which I highly speculate that there will not be a Team Fortress 3 for a long time. It took them nearly 7...
  18. ZXD22


    I currently have three unusuals. I have an Unusual Shooter's Tin Topi for my sniper that is painted in "A Distinctive Lack of Hue" with orbiting fire as the effect. I also have an Unusual Airdog for my scout that's also painted in Lack of Hue with the Tesla Coil effect. Lastly I just have a the...
  19. ZXD22

    New to Game Rebels!

    Hi everyone! I'm ZXD22 and am brand new to the gaming forums. I've been gaming since I was about 5 years old growing up with Need for Speed High Stakes and Grand Tourismo 2. Some pretty cool stuff to know about me... - Played 2 seasons of competitive Team Fortress 2 (Highlander) - Currently own...