• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. ZXD22

    What unreleased game are you looking forward to

    I'm totally looking forward to the new Star Wars Battle front II coming out. So many youtubers have streamed some footage of the alpha beta and they have said nothing but positive things about it! It looks like so much fun and visually appealing as well. Looking forward to pre-ordering this in...
  2. ZXD22

    Multiple Screen

    Either 2 widescreen monitors or 3 normal sized monitors will do the trick. Anything more than that would be a bit overkill. I'm pretty sure that Virtual Reality would be cheaper at this moment in time than to buy 3 1080p monitors though to be honest.
  3. ZXD22

    How do you buy your games?

    I usually buy them through Steam, especially if they are on sale. You end up saving so much during the summer sales or even the winter sales as well. I only go to buy games at the retail store for my consoles as I'm not really a big fan of buying them online console wise. It's just I've grown up...
  4. ZXD22

    Is a 3.6Ghz with 4 Cores good?

    Yea 4 cores with even 3 ghz is more than enough to handle todays games. It's more intensive on the GPU as the others have said. I have the Intel Core i7 7700k and they are 4.2 ghz stock. I could overclock it to 4.6 if I wanted to with my Corsair h100i but no need.
  5. ZXD22

    Changes in gaming

    Compared to games just 20 years ago in 1997, games have changed completely! I mean you've got Super Mario 64, one of the first 3D games ever made and at the time it generated a bunch of ruckus, but now the gaming industry have just done such a great job with graphics and game play as well for...
  6. ZXD22

    What GPU?

    Yea when I bitcoin mine I never keep my GPU over 80 degrees celsius. I do some major temperature monitoring to keep it nice and cool :D
  7. ZXD22

    Favourite Game Genre

    My keen genre has always been Racing, but I'm also into First Person Shooters and Multiplayer games as well. Growing up with Need for Speed and Grand Turismo though really got me hooked onto racing as I still enjoy playing the series to this day.
  8. ZXD22

    Favorite horror game?

    I have loved Outlast but it's so scary that I can't get past the second monster in the game lol! I just get the creeps trying to hide underneath the bed and then he catches me out of no where when I try to get up and go to flip the switch. Maybe one of my roommates could play for me while I...
  9. ZXD22

    SNES Bosses

    By most memorable I'd go with Giygas from Earth Bound. That boss used to give me the creeps when I was younger especially because of the music that gets scarier and scarier as you do more damage to him and how his appearance would look like a "dead fetus". Apparently the creator of the game...
  10. ZXD22

    Opinions on Steam

    I love the ingenuity and how they went along with the concept. Simply brilliant, an online game library in which you can install the games you want and keep others "in the cloud". Makes it a lot easier than to handle a bunch of disks or cartridges like the good old days. Our way of game...
  11. ZXD22

    Wired or wireless controller?

    When it comes to PC gaming with a mouse and keyboard, I prefer wired as I would not want to risk the chance of missing out on an input due to lack of connection. I have managed to find a way to pair a PS3 controller to my laptop and gaming rig so I usually play the game pad wireless unless I'm...
  12. ZXD22

    How often do you play?

    When I have nothing to do but stay at home all day I usually just game like 4-5 hours a day. On days that I have to go to work or work online, it gets shriveled down to less than an hour to be honest. Some work days I don't get a chance to play at all really. It's all good though, wouldn't want...
  13. ZXD22

    Do you wait for discounts?

    90% of the time I will wait for discounts and pick up the game, especially on steam. If the game has sentimental value to me and I want to support the developers, then I won't mind dishing out the cash to support their endeavors. I did that for Yooka-Laylee and was impressed with the game...
  14. ZXD22

    How many games do you own?

    Just on my steam account, I have over 1300+ games. It's a shit ton I know and what's worse is that I never got a chance to try most of them LOL. I do have a huge collection of games for my PS1, N64, NES, so on and so forth in the basement as well. Just lots of games all over the place you can't...
  15. ZXD22

    Favorite weapon in BF4?

    I'd usually go with the SKS DMR. I've been a DMR noob since day one with the RFB and surprisingly I have done well with them. Could use a lot more practice though and I could pack in a punch for my team. I'm still surprised not many people go with DMRs anymore. I know they kind of suck but they...
  16. ZXD22

    How often do you buy new games?

    That's what I usually do, wait until the prices get to a great range for the contents value. Yooka Laylee was different though as I wanted to support the developers as they had done an amazing job with Banjo Kazooie in the past and even with Yooka Laylee I had some chills of some throwbacks to...
  17. ZXD22

    WHY do you game?

    I game because it's fun to play around with others and it also helps me get my anger out as well as bringing out the good chemicals in my body. I usually have a lot of fun when it comes to video gaming and that is especially true when you play with friends. Playing with friends helps to further...
  18. ZXD22

    Laptops or Desktops for gaming?

    Yes PC totally for gaming. I have spent $1,000 on my HP Envy and about $2,500 dollars on hand building my own PC rig and there is a major difference between the two. My laptop has the one of the fastest around for laptops and my desktop has the fastest as well for desktops, but it performs...
  19. ZXD22

    How often do you buy new games?

    I very rarely buy brand new games AAA games. My last two purchases were Yooka Laylee and Dirt 4 in which I pre-ordered Dirt 4. Yooka Laylee was an amazing purchase, I originally bought the game for $49.99 deluxe package to help support the developers. I had been a huge fan of Banjo and Kazooie...
  20. ZXD22

    Last Game Played?

    I last used my sleeping software, ASMR Universe on steam. Not really a game but a software to create environmental ambiance sound scenarios.