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  1. ZXD22

    The best mobile game ever

    I used to love to play racing games, but then more recently I turned into an First Person Shooter freak. Been playing a lot of Team Fortress 2 and quite a bit of Battlefield 4 as well. Fun games!
  2. ZXD22

    Mobile Ports to PC?

    It depends on the game. Would be better if the PC's screen was also a touch screen so you'd be able to play it like a phone but bigger and more powerful!
  3. ZXD22

    How do you take losing when you were young?

    I used to rage all over the place when I lost as a young kid lol. I was very competitive when I was young and always wanted to win so I kept playing and playing until I got it down.
  4. ZXD22

    Favorite gaming company?

    Game was remastered by Activision but as it was just a remaster in graphics, Naughty Dog did make it but game play is left barely touched. I've played the Nsane Trilogy and so far I love it!
  5. ZXD22

    Where do you buy your games most?

    That's pretty much why I think it's obselete
  6. ZXD22

    Renting games before buying?

    I would check to see if they have a free demo available before possibly renting/buying to play the game. Free is always better than shelling out some bucks to check out the content.
  7. ZXD22

    Strained eyes while playing games

    I experienced this with my Nintendo DS when I was younger and now I wear contacts and glasses. I was an idiot playing on that thing for hours on end like it was terrible. Now I have an eye care package setting on my Gaming Dell Monitor so it helps my eyes a lot during extended periods of time.
  8. ZXD22

    Difficulty or Fun?

    For me there has to be a fine line between the both for the ultimate gaming experience. It has to be fun but with a twist of difficulty to keep things interesting and refreshed. You don't want it to be too hard, but if it's not difficult, it can be repetitive and can get old fast.
  9. ZXD22

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    I was 5 years old when I got my first PC and I remember I was 3 when my family bought us a family NES for everyone to play. It was a lot of fun playing Jackal and Mario Bros with my parents. I used to rage so bad because I couldn't play very well but it wasn't until I practiced where I got used...
  10. ZXD22

    Where do you buy your games most?

    I buy 99% of my games on the Steam Store. I rarely buy games from a physical gaming store shop as I mostly use steam for my gaming needs.
  11. ZXD22

    What is your favorite free-to-play game?

    It's gotta be Team Fortress 2. Have been playing that game for years and I have experience nothing but pleasure and good fun times with it. Highly recommend.
  12. ZXD22

    Why do you actually enjoy gaming?

    I enjoy gaming because it's a great stress reliever for me and it also helps work out my brain and builds on my reflexes in the process. Most of all it's so much fun and addicting!
  13. ZXD22

    Favorite hand-held system?

    I have had a bunch of memories with my Nintendo DS. I used to play Mario kart DS on it for hours on end. It eventually led to visual damage on my eyes which I was an idiot to let that happen, but I remember having a lot of fun with the races and such. I wish I played a lot less so I could have...
  14. ZXD22

    Favorite gaming company?

    Freaking Miss Naughty Dog Creations. Created the best Crash Bandicoot Games from Crash Team Racing to the trilogy of the series. Good times when I was a kid :D
  15. ZXD22

    Using Cheats

    I use cheats when I am bored and cannot get past a certain point in the game. I rarely use cheats though. Sometimes like especially in Super mario 64, I use AR codes just to troll around and have some fun.
  16. ZXD22


    Yep I have played a season of iron Highlander and Steel. Looking to get into silver sometime soon. I play a lot of casual just to troll around and piss off other players as well.
  17. ZXD22

    Current Generation Consoles Vs. Steam Machine

    Yea just make your own gaming rig man. With the money invested into a Steam Machine you could create an equally if not more powerful rig than the steam machine for much less money as well. It's a double win situation for you financially and performance wise!
  18. ZXD22

    Where do you buy games?

    I buy most of my games on steam especially during discounts and on sales. If they are not on sale, I rarely buy them unless they have a really good price.
  19. ZXD22

    Games played via keyboard

    Been gaming with a keyboard on PC games since I was about 5 years old so I'm used to it, even racing games. Sure a controller helps a lot especially with driving and fighting games, but I can play without it as well.
  20. ZXD22

    Hardest game you have ever played?

    Outlast Man. It's not a hard game to play, but it's just so hard to gather enough confidence and fearless to play the game properly. I can't get past the second monster where you have to hide underneath the bed just because it's so scary when he catches you and you have to run for your life. I...