• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. ZXD22

    How possessive are you for your games?

    Sometimes when I get extra keys from game bundles I buy, I usually hold like a raffle or use a randomizer machine to giveaway to my friends on my list. Other than that, that's about it really.
  2. ZXD22

    Returning a game you bought?

    Yea I returned Crash Team Racing for my old PS1 when I was really young. The CD had a bunch of scratches on it and it would only be able to play the first race track and ended up being stuck at the loading screen ever since. Returned that pos disc game back.
  3. ZXD22

    Do you dream about your game?

    On a rare night, sure! I had dreamed about owning a R170 Mercedes Slk 230 kompressor, just like the one in Need for Speed High Stakes, my good old child hood game. I've been saving up to get one and with my good paying new job I might be able to get one of my child hood favorites.
  4. ZXD22


    I don't use speakers. I use a Logitech H390 series headset.
  5. ZXD22

    Console vs Handheld

    I would go for a console rather than a handheld. A handheld is pretty good for gaming on the fly, but there aren't as many block buster games for handhelds than for consoles I believe.
  6. ZXD22

    How possessive are you for your games?

    I generally am possessive about my games simply because many of my friends don't ask to borrow my games so I technically don't give my games away.
  7. ZXD22

    Do you bet on games?

    No I don't bet on online gaming. Would possibly like to give it a try at some point in the future though maybe.
  8. ZXD22

    Desktop or Laptop, which one is better for games?

    I like PCs better because they can be the most powerful if invest a lot of money into them and I've just been using PCs for most of my life and I am very used to them.
  9. ZXD22

    Your Rig

    My first time building a PC too. Took months of research. I'm surprised it actually booted up the first time without much trouble after 8 hours working on it.
  10. ZXD22

    The Oldest Pc Game You've Ever Played?

    Oldest PC game I have ever played was Doom. Was an instant hit when it came out but that was like back in 1993 and even before that!
  11. ZXD22


    I play like one or two games and I barely play them for an hour a day at this point. During the school year I would play a couple games and play for like 3-4 hours as I will have nothing better to do.
  12. ZXD22

    CPU or Graphic Card?

    You have to do some research online. Here's a good thread that shows the newest GPUs and their possible bottlenecks. http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-3192807/ultimate-bottlenecking-guide.html
  13. ZXD22

    PC vs Console

    PC Master race boyo!
  14. ZXD22

    Favorite Childhood Game?

    Need for speed High Stakes for sure. I used to play that game for 14 hours a day straight, like I was addicted to the game beyond belief. I bought one of my goal cars in like which was the Mercedes Slk 230 which was showcased in this game and has gotten me hooked to the gaming franchise. NFS HS...
  15. ZXD22

    The Last Game You Lost Sleep Over

    Team Fortress 2 this past week ago. Lol it's so addicting playing on dustbowl with your friends dominating everyone.
  16. ZXD22

    Favorite music from which game?

    I have way too many favorite themes and music works from many types of games that I have played from my child hood racing favorites like Need for Speed High Stakes to Dirt 4 now. I'm always a sucker for great music in racing games to chill and cruise in.
  17. ZXD22

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Oh yea I know this program. Complete waste of money!
  18. ZXD22

    Worse game you have ever played?

    Worst game I have ever played has got to the E.T for the Atari 2600. Completely pointless and buggy. What's possibly even worse than that? Pac-Man for the same console except that one actually has a game play but it was mad buggy.
  19. ZXD22

    Free games vs Paid games?

    I'm the exact opposite. I play more paid games than free games. I usually get most of my games on insane deals and clear out prices on my steam so I love to check out the games and play them to get my money's worth to the max.
  20. ZXD22

    Favourite All Time Game

    My most favorite game of all Time has got to be Platform Racing 2. It's an old flash multiplayer racing game that has been dead for years, but basically it's a stick multiplayer online racer. I've played the game for 8 years, nearly become a moderator on the game until I messed up and haven't...