• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. ZXD22

    Scariest Game You Have Played

    Most scariest game for me has got to be Outlast. Like I cannot finish the game as I don't have the guts to even pick up my controller and play it. So creepy and scary especially during the chase scenes like dang!
  2. ZXD22

    How often do you play?

    I used to play everyday for like at least like 5 hours a day but now during the summer time, I tend to work my behind off trying to rack up a lot of cash. Currently trying to save up money for an slk 230.
  3. ZXD22

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    Nah like there was a couple times I actually toppled off of my chair and fell on my ass. My buddies would always laugh so hard. Fun times
  4. ZXD22

    Hi fellow rebels

    Hey hope you enjoy your stay!
  5. ZXD22

    Best deal?

    Buying steam 100 games from a site for 5$. That was a killer deal and all of them worked too! Too bad the sale ended quickly after though so lots of people missed out. All of them were trash games but it was a good buy still.
  6. ZXD22


    For steam not Xbox, I just game collect and don't really pay attention to achievements. It's just something I do.
  7. ZXD22

    Do you ever record your gaming?

    I used to record my game play if there were hackers playing like on TDP4 Team Battle. I used to catch hackers and report them to mods to get them banned and you'd get cash reward which was awesome. Ended up making a good amount from that which was a cool gig.
  8. ZXD22


    I used to get bad fps on my old PC for Team Fortress 2, used to get 20 fps on the lowest settings lol! Then I added in a 750 ti GPU and started getting 60-80 fps and now I have a 1080ti with over 200+ fps for consistent game play.
  9. ZXD22

    Cheating Online

    I did cheat once on Platform Racing 2 but that was because I was very bored and had nothing better to do. I usually try to stay away from hacking games as it ruins the fun for other people and yourself.
  10. ZXD22

    Your first online game?

    I think my first online game has got to be Platform Racing 2. It was an old flash game multiplayer stick racing game and is still around today. Was created back in 2007 and used to have a lot of users online at the same time but now barely 10 people are on which is sad.
  11. ZXD22

    Chatting while playing?

    Of course chatting and meeting new friends is part of my gaming experience. You could make new friends and play with each other or join their guilds and what not. Makes it fun and enjoyable!
  12. ZXD22

    Streaming (Twitch.tv , etc)

    I tried streaming once along time ago on a stupid idea of playing every NES game from A-Z and that was a dumb idea. I got no views from that as well so I kind of gave up very quick.
  13. ZXD22

    What type of game Should we suggest to our parents?

    I would totally suggest some type of racing game like Need for speed to my dad. He has always been a car fanatic as well as me and it just fits our family persona as well. I know he'd have a blast whipping the 240SX as he has a bone stock 240 that he loves as well as an old RX-7.
  14. ZXD22


    It would have to be the first one for me. I remember sneaking the disc from my dad's desk playing it on my PC as you had to be 18 years or older to player and I was only 9 at the time lol. I had a lot of fun until my dad took the game away and hid it. Still not sure where he has it to this day...
  15. ZXD22


    Played it at my friends house once awhile back and it was pretty fun. I wouldn't want to get it for myself though.
  16. ZXD22

    Longer or shorter story modes?

    I wouldn't mind longer story modes as long as they switch things up time to time within the length of the mode and incorporate new ideas into the mix as well. It would be a very boring long mode if things were repetitive.
  17. ZXD22

    What started it all?

    The first console that really got me going was my old N64. If was my first legit console that I actually owned and I remember playing on it for hours on end as a youngster downstairs. That's when I got my old Packard Bell PC and star
  18. ZXD22

    Will PC Gaming Overtake Consoles

    No PC gaming won't overtake consoles completely but it will I think get more popular to the point where it could be more profitable for companies to move over to the PC gaming industry rather than the console gaming side.
  19. ZXD22

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    I would just get used to it. I would bend and move my gaming chair around with the twitches and that usually works well for me at least.
  20. ZXD22

    How much money?

    I haven't spent much on my gaming consoles, probably just under 500$ but that was when I was younger and buying some popular games for my old atomic green N64 like Super Mario and Mario Kart 64.