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Search results

  1. jitendra0341

    Why do you actually enjoy gaming?

    Yes , you are right. I feel exactly same as you. Gaming is means for interacting with others while enjoying at the same time. The enjoyment increases many fold when we play with an opponent. Playing games helps to get rid of job worries we get I our day to day life. Now we also play games on our...
  2. jitendra0341

    Harry Potter Fans?

    I am a big fan of Harry Potter movies.I played one harry potter game I think it would be chamber of secrets. I enjoyed the game.It was fun playing the game.I downloaded it to my PC.Now I have forgot the link. Can you provide me free link to harry potter games.I like to refresh me with that old...
  3. jitendra0341

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    Resident evil was one of the few games which really get us fear at early stage. I too encounter with the game my cousin playing with me. He told to play mew kind of games.It will give great fun. I got into trap and started playing. Every time the nemesis appeared I started to cry and ruckus. I...
  4. jitendra0341

    If you could live in any game...

    Yes you are right. Many want to love in war games to get excitement. But they forget in reality they do not need this. We need money to survive and enjoy life. You told good choice. Nowadays players are earning unbelievable amount of money in games.Like football is high paying profession if you...
  5. jitendra0341

    How many games do you own?

    I was also not good in trading games at early stage. Gradually with time I learnt to get good titles and succeeded to promotes among friends. This increased the popularity with friends and acquaintances and trading became easy. Now I can suggest titles for them to choose. Trading gives us good...
  6. jitendra0341

    Are there any games you can play over and over and never tire of?

    Most of the games we play will be more enjoyable when we play with others i.e. with friends. This gives us competition, thrill to overscore them and clear the stages.It looks like we are playing real games combinedly outside like any other outdoor games. There are many games we may hooked to for...
  7. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    We should read reviews before going to buy new games.It helps to choose our desired games but be careful about all reviews. Some are posted just to increase their website traffic.Use your intelligent to decide on the games you really want.
  8. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    Many people don't use their intelligent, even most of them don't know which game is best to choose. They simply flow in the streams of games presented before them. This is the tactics youtuber and game promoter apply for their games
  9. jitendra0341

    When Gaming becomes an addiction

    Yes, well said, gaming is surely a time killer activity.It is so addictive than one is unable to get rid of easily when starts to play them.Most of the player were good at early stage and now feeling helpless keeping that pace they had before.It is bad practice to leave school for the sake of...
  10. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    A good collection of games you have.Although they are free,but are good to enjoy.In addition,it is nice thing that they all are free and no one can deny to have them all whether people have interest in games or not.These type of surprise is always welcome.
  11. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    Yes, you are right both games are interesting that include survival FPS and horror simultaneously.So it is two thing in one package and it is not that bad.Who says it to be bad.It is recommendable games for those who wants to enjoy thrilling games.These games are excellent to play for any game...
  12. jitendra0341

    How many games do you own?

    I have many games in my kitty,but I use regularly 20 something.I also do trading of games that help me to get extra bucks.I play game in my free times and play long hours to keep me engaged and help to ease off the tension I got from daily work.
  13. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    Yes , people always influence by the reviews.They do not use their own intelligence to decide about what is good and interesting games they want.There are lots of individuals coming only to make money view youtube ,blog and other medium.They present catchy and tempting reviews about the game...
  14. jitendra0341

    How many games do you own?

    Owning a game is matter of time to have.We buy games with the thrust to be influenced by them,our friends suggest them or we get information about it.I also like to complete one game to 100% and keep on playing till the end.Some games we buy is just kept aside for lack of interest.Or we lend...
  15. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    Yes, you are right. Everything depends on our mood.The game stressed out our tension and fatigue.It would not always PC gaming or PS gaming.We can have traditional game like chess,ludo,snakes and ladders inside our house with our loved ones.Outdoor games are much important to indoor games.As...
  16. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    Yes,it is us who has the power to decide.The quote says'Customer is the king'.We see reviews to see the different perspective of people about the game that help us to make proper decision.It is important not decisive but helpful.
  17. jitendra0341

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    Yes, it is a intelligent coy to engage kids into playing games.Parents do it to cover up their lack of time.they give us our desired games just to shut our mouth,not to disturb anyone.This way we are controlled to be safe from going outside and keep away from traffic hazard.And it is working...
  18. jitendra0341

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    Yes,it happened with me also.I had to share my games with my cousin which was bully in nature.I didn't like this but for sake of my aunt I have to bear it.At that time I had to adjust with him to play in turns.When he returned to his house I feel free to enjoy my games fully.
  19. jitendra0341

    When Gaming becomes an addiction

    Yes,this is good advice.Everyone should follow this as this is also true and applicable for any office goer which job has to sit continuously on the chair.Our body is designed for movement.When we sit,blood flow slowly that makes easier for fatty acids to clog our heart.Leading to greater risk...
  20. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    :sunglasses:Yes, We have to be alert and aware about our need.:sunglasses: It is fun and interesting to read the reviews available on the net.They keep us updated.It is our conscious to decide on which is right for us.Do not fall prey to them..We have the money,so we are the decision-maker.So...