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Search results

  1. jitendra0341

    Strained eyes while playing games

    It is common to get our eyes strained due to excess playing games.It could possibly nothing more than just eye strain. Just go and walk around for some time to get you relax feel. If the problem persist instantly consult your doctor rather to get advice from video game website boards.
  2. jitendra0341

    How many games do you own?

    I have lots of game in my stocks.I think it may be more than 100 or more because some games I have given to my friends and they did not return it.If I count those the number could increase to some more.I have game of all sort.Be it video games,computer games,cassettes.
  3. jitendra0341

    At what age did you get your first console/PC?

    I have got my first console when I was in class 5.I was so happy that I used to play all the time I got. PS2 was my device that I got.I used to buy playstation games.It was so much fun at that time.It was also a new world has just opened to me.
  4. jitendra0341

    When Gaming becomes an addiction

    Gaming becomes addiction ,we neglect our friends,family,work,school and even personal hygiene.We start it as a means of recreation but become slave to it.We stop spending time with friends,engage in sports or even watch a television.We become violent,threatening to those who try to control our...
  5. jitendra0341

    What are some of your favorite classic games?

    I have been a big fan of Super Mario.It is one of the best classic game we all played. Prince of Persia has been common to everyone.I played it many times.It was new and interesting at that time.A prince jump over the arcade and dies if we would not play it right.It is also made into movie.These...
  6. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    Yes you are right.Many persons give review to influence us and make us to buy their recommended product,but it is us who decide what type of game we want.We read reviews to keep us update about new game come in the market,not to be influenced and carried away with them.
  7. jitendra0341

    How often do you play?

    The playing hours is depend upon my mood.I play 3-4 hour in a stretch or just sit for some time and pass the time.Fun is the main factor which decide how many hours I need to play that game. At times time gap is required in after our work.Some day I don't get much time to play, other day there...
  8. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    Choosing a game decides what you want, what can wait and what we are not interested in.How would you decide what platform you want a multi platform game? I have a PC , PS3, I am not addicted to gaming but usually go with my feeling.It is lik a priority thing.I want to play or buy a particular...
  9. jitendra0341

    Favorite horror game?

    Outlast is a excellent game to play.This game combines the best element of Amnesia,Penumbara and forge a whole different monster of the game.The voice is outstanding,the design is outstanding.This game is succeeded in terrifying us.There is torture,beheading,hanging ,everything that make us to...
  10. jitendra0341

    Favorite horror game?

    Yes I also play it when at first time, it also get me scared. We feel as if we are experiencing it our selves.It is like a horror movies we are watching.The same thing happened to me also ,I promptly exit from the game as soon as I got fear. it has gone after sometime playing again and again.It...
  11. jitendra0341

    Favorite horror game?

    No,I did not try Silent Hill. As you suggest about it. I really likes to know how much it is good. It seems interesting reading your description.
  12. jitendra0341

    What do you all do for a living?

    You are doing a good job.All patient requires a good nurse who can help them in the hour of need.They much like the person who is having good rapport with them.Talking to a patient always help them to console or understanding the problem of them.Keep it up as humanity needs the person you are.
  13. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    I am influenced by the reviews,but I don't stop buying or playing those games I already using just after reading bad reviews.If I like the game then no matter what the expert says about it.Anyhow , we buy game for having fun not to satisfy someone.The matter is any game I choose or play it...
  14. jitendra0341

    What unreleased game are you looking forward to

    I am looking for Call of Duty ww2. There is also Final fantasy x HD.I have been a big fan of final fantasy from its first edition.some other games I looking forward is: 1. Soul sacrifice 2. Persona 4 golden 3. Call of duty black ops 4. Assasin creed liberation
  15. jitendra0341

    How do you choose your games?

    It depends on the situation in which I might be in.I watch trailers of the games,live streams,watching reviews on youtube or some other websites.Whatever excites and interests I go for the game that is available at particular time.This does not mean that I buy any games.
  16. jitendra0341

    What do you all do for a living?

    It is a wonderful job as manager.I have to handle different departments from accounts,Data entry,computer assistant,site manager to providing raw materials to the mills through different suppliers and dispatching finished products to different parties those demand it.I also have to handle...
  17. jitendra0341

    If you could live in any game...

    I like to live in Pokemon world.having pokemon fight for me and protects me.It may be mario world.
  18. jitendra0341

    Twitch vs YouTube | Which do you Prefer?

    It depends on my mood what type of game I am searching,I like both type alike.Mostly go for youtube reviews.They keep us informed about new and exciting games.If I prefer live stream twitch is better option.It is easy to look for the game you wanted.
  19. jitendra0341

    What for you is the cutest character?

    I love the cute characters game offers.Lucas from Mother 3 is little,shy boy searching for his twin brother Claus.Mother 3 is very touchy game.It is a good game featuring a cute boy as main protagonist makes the story even more emotional.
  20. jitendra0341

    Do you like to play strategy games?

    I generally go for action- adventure games.But sometimes,strategy game also attracts me.The plot ,the idea to achieve something engage me.As it gives you freedom and creativity to play.As the game progresses , it is much funny and catchy to continue.