• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Referal

    Ask me anything

    Hey all ask me anything and i will answer it an a reasonable amount of time or day!
  2. Referal

    Anyone know any free to download games on PC

    Does anyone on here know any free to download PC games (not steam related.)
  3. Referal

    Post your favorite Nintendo Games here

    Mine favorite Nintendo game would be Mario Kart and well I had a dragon ball z game which I used to love a kid on my gameboy remember those oldies lool.
  4. Referal


    Who remembers watching Victorious when you were growing in late 2010 to 2013 when nobody knew who Ariana Grande was aka Cat.
  5. Referal

    What games do u play on steam

    I any games what games do u guys play on steam any free ones?
  6. Referal

    Hello/GoodNight Thread

    Hello all how are you all today
  7. Referal

    The Flash Savaitar Revelved

    Did you guys watch The Flash Savaitar who his real identity his I was shocking on finding out who he was Barry Allen from the future aka Future Flash.
  8. Referal


    Hey All my name is Referal anyway I found you guys on FP thanks to Joshua lol. 3 things you don`t know about me I am a gamer, I am from Canada and well I joined a couple months ago I think March 2017.
  9. Referal

    Steam Slow on my laptop Potential virus!

    My Steam when I had it last time (since i uninstalled it the same time this issue happened) my laptop which is an Acer was running slow when I started my laptop Steam used to Update is there a way to fix this issue thanks.
  10. Referal

    Call of Duty WWII

    Does anyone own the current new Call of duty after. If you haven`t A nice beginning to the discussion are these questions: What seems like the most interesting and fun qualities of the game? Which aspects do you find odder or worse? Are you going to purchase COD WWII, and if so, on which...
  11. Referal

    Best Mobile Games

    I must say that Clash of Clans is the most fun, most addicting mobile game I have ever played. I really understand why it's so hyped, because once you start playing it it's really hard to give it up - and you've probably spent a few hundred dollars before you come that near considering giving it...
  12. Referal

    How do you make an APP

    So my question is what software is there that you know how to make an app for Android or IOS iPhone is there a free software Online or anything. Please let me know thanks.
  13. Referal

    Good Staff Application

    So when I am applying for a job on a forum or anything job related what makes a good job application?. Whenever I apply for something they always reply with oh you need add this or your application is bad what makes a good application Staff standards. Also I found this online. Bad application...