• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Question on Future GameModes

    So as you all know, we here have had basically the same gamemodes for servers for about 2 years, and while yes they are successful, they have gotten boring to others. Now with the recent creation of this network we have, we are getting more servers for other games such as Minecraft, WoW, and I...
  2. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    One Night: An Indie Horror Game On UE4

    So I felt as part of my introduction to the community that i first post this, I am currently the Founder and Project Manager of an Indie Game Studio called Lunar Punch. We are very new (only been around for a month, and all we have to ourselves is a Trello Board.) Our first game that we are...
  3. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Company Logo

    So, as you all know I am creating my own game studio. We have finally decided on the name of Lunar Punch Studios. What I am curious in is seeing what you guys might think the logo would look like. So for this thread I'd like to see you post your creations and if we like it we will use it.
  4. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Fashion Souls

    Alright ye filthy heretics, it's time to praise the sun and show off your fashion sense. You can use any of the Dark Souls games to show off your fashion in. (I am seriously bored so why the hell not, enjoy ye plebs)
  5. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Dark Souls 3 And You

    So I've recently gotten a copy of dark souls 3 a few days ago and I am nearly done with NG and I was wondering how many of you guys also have it and how do you play it. I currently play as a pyromantic swordsman.
  6. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    KickStarter for Horror Game: One Night

    So I've gone ahead and created a kickStarter campaign for the horror game me and maximus have been working on for the last month. I am going to leave the link to it here unless otherwise stated by staff, then I will be pm those interested in the kickstarter...
  7. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Boris's Face Reveal

    Because my old face reveal is gone, I might as well update you guys on how I look. Make sure your bleach bottles are full and ready to be chugged.
  8. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Mass Effect's Faster Than Light travel explained

    So here is someone explaining how mass effect's ftl drive works. And i found it entertaining. Now here is my thought on how the ftl drive could actually work. (I recommend you watch the video to understand what i am talk about) Basically the FTL drive goes so fast it actually takes you back in...
  9. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Borris's LOA

    As you all know, I am currently working on a horror game, and because of that, i will definately not be as active as I used to because, well, I am making a game. I will most likely be "on leave" until mid summer or possible longer (this is just a guess on how long the game will take). I may hop...
  10. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Even more "high quality" entertainment

    Enjoy even more fuckery, some bean boozled for the lot of you.
  11. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Suggestion Server Tracker Box

    So I am pretty sure forum devs are working on this, but... when are we going to get the old server tracker box that we used to have that would display the server name, if its up, how many people are on, and the join button that takes us right to the server?
  12. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    Here something to catch your eyes on the quality we are going for in our game. These are all screenshots from in game. So me and another friend are currently developing a horror game using the Unreal Engine 4 and are planning to release it as an indie game on steam. Once we get a playable...
  13. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    More "High Quality" Entertainment

    Title says it all really.
  14. Osiris Lord Of Memes

    From Russia, with love.

    Greetings plebians