• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. S

    Harry Potter Fans?

    I watched the movies but never came across the books. Do the movie and books differ in terms of contents? Or the movies are remake of the book.
  2. S

    If you don't have anything to do, don't come and do it here!

    If you don't have anything to do, don't come and do it here!
  3. S

    The Last Game You Lost Sleep Over

    The last game I lost sleep over was Fruit Pop. Though the game is not difficult, the tendency to start all over again when one is gamed over makes it tedious and time consuming. I had an all night for the game.
  4. S

    New Adam & Eve

    Is this game connected to the Adam and Eve we know in the Bible? Wow, 1983, that's over 3 decades.
  5. S

    Last Game Played?

    Haha. You are not alone. But I won't play a horror game in the first place .
  6. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Yeah, I understand. But there is a saying that one man's meat is another man's poison. The fact that someone desires a game doesn't mean it shouldn't be "useless" to me when I see no fun, impact or significance in it. The sad truth is, my best game may be a useless game to someone. So the...
  7. S

    Last Game Played?

    It's funny but very serious. I don't like horror creatures and zombie but don't have any reason why it is so. Just as you stated earlier, it been unacceptable is your opinion but I strongly disagree.
  8. S

    Last Game Played?

    Ok, I pray so. Yeeeahh, my Mr Hero Wildspirit. Why don't you create an adventure game with Wildspirit as the main character? Just a suggestion though
  9. S

    Setting up a video gaming centre in the community.

    Wow, good information. I really appreciate.
  10. S

    Do you bet on games?

    Many gamers see fun in betting over games while others see it as not so a good thing to spend money on. I personally know people who put money on top of their games so that the winner takes all the money away. Majority of them spend all their monies and resort to begging before they can go back...
  11. S

    Hardest game you have ever played?

    Hmmm. This may seem funny but the hardest game I ever played is Flappy Bird. Lol The game was so difficult for me to the extent that I tagged it as 'useless'/ 'worst' game ever.
  12. S

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    Nice experiences comments up there. Sure, those movements aren't bad but I don't think I will stop It any moment from now since it has been same story from infancy till now.
  13. S

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    Wow, very interesting comment. I'm in love with your story. I guess, I'm worst at controlling game character with respect to my body movement. I even kick football myself before a referee whistle for the character to strike. Haha, back to the story, your mum is a good predictor..
  14. S

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    Thanks for the advise. I will work on that.
  15. S

    Last Game Played?

    Wow, the game is a mind cracker I guess. Lol. Planning a city with lot of people isn't an easy task. Architects and engineers are genius!
  16. S

    Do you like playing your game with your siblings?

    HahahA. Thanks for your family gaming story. I love it. Well, I think it's too late for me to play games together with them since we don't leave together now compared to then when we were young. True, I have seen some lady gamers, but my sisters aren't like them.lol
  17. S

    Setting up a video gaming centre in the community.

    Important information. Thank you very much. Do you operate a gaming center in your locality?
  18. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Wow, first time I'm hearing from someone Flappy bird was entertaining.lol Well, I played that game very seriously but nothing fruitful was coming out of it so I tagged it as "useless" and moved on! I'm happy someone has delight in Flappy bird. It's a first in the news for me though. Good evening.
  19. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Nobody cares about the prize when enjoyment is absent brother. I am also fine. Today has been a restful day with no stress whatsoever. I'm grateful to God and all family and friends.
  20. S

    Share your Youtube Gaming Channel

    Same applies to me. I have no youtube gamig channel. But I like those I have seen on this thread. Thank you guys