• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. S

    Share your Youtube Gaming Channel

    Nice channel. Keep it up and post more,!
  2. S

    How to control body movement when playing video games with a game pad/controller?

    I have been gaming for some years and I have come to realized that some people follow the movement of the game pad /controller. Some people even kick things due to their vigorous movements in unison with the game pad. It is because of lack of good coordination? I am a living testimony. I...
  3. S

    Setting up a video gaming centre in the community.

    Yeah, tight security at a gaming center Is really necessary. No space should be left for bad things. The owner would be held responsible if anything happens to anyone who patronize the center.
  4. S

    Last Game Played?

    The game you're are talking about seems very interesting. I will one of these days check how it is. So that I also form dictator things.lol
  5. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Hehe. My brother, tell him more. Perhaps Wildspirit hasn't come a game he paid for but realized he has paid for nothing. lol
  6. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    My brother, indeed some games are really 'useless'. The fact that some people may find it purposeful doesn't make it non-useless. The sad truth is, anything in this world, good or bad, may have a purpose in life for someone. But it's uselessness can never be underestimated. So accept it my...
  7. S

    Last Game Played?

    I will do just that. But I hope it's not blood shedding and horror-like? Imagine games like these occur to you in real life, what will you do? Act a hero or run away?
  8. S

    Last Game Played?

    Horror game? That Is none of my business! I hate them so I won't mind you since you want to scare me this evening. HahahA.
  9. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Yeah, same here. I won't play it even if there's is prize on top of it. I had a long stressful day, that is why I haven't been online till now. Hope you're fine, Thart.
  10. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Indeed, Flappy bird is so bad! I'm glad they never released later version. Sadly, it was so addictive then. Playing that game is like catching the wind. It Cos90.
  11. S

    Setting up a video gaming centre in the community.

    Thank you all for your contributions.i can see you are well versed on gaming stuff. You aren't game rebels for nothing! Lol. I'm taking all your comments into consideration. I will surely cross the bridge when I reach it. I'm so grateful guys.
  12. S

    Setting up a video gaming centre in the community.

    Thank you all for your contributions.i can see you are well versed on gaming stuff. You aren't game rebels for nothing! Lol. I'm taking all your comments into consideration. I will surely cross the bridge when I reach it. I'm so grateful guys.
  13. S

    What type of game Should we suggest to our parents?

    Hmmmm. I pity some of our oldies. They're so easy going and are mostly dined on by selfish unscrupulous people. But my parents are different though. They aren't inclined to IT very much thus no way they will be scammed from that section. Unless probably through phone calls or physical contact.
  14. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Hehe. You've gotten me cracking.lol Oh, you can be our hero. The world needs you. You really have games! Skyrim? What is that?
  15. S

    Last Game Played?

    Haha. Your level number is very high. I haven't reached that stage. But I used to have a roommate who played this game religiously for over a year. And I can bet he is past your level. Lol. Please, not again! Don't go to the game. Wait for me to reach your level then we start from there.
  16. S

    Most 'useless' game ever?

    Nice. I like your game dream.
  17. S

    What type of game Should we suggest to our parents?

    Yeah, that game you played back in high school is Chicken invaders. I like the Christmas version. HahahA I hear, but non of my parents would even pay for a video game even if I recommend it to them. They don't 'play' with their money. Lol
  18. S

    Setting up a video gaming centre in the community.

    Thanks blood. Hmm, it's not very easy. But I will try and budget well. Good things don't come so easy. For the blackout, a generator or a small plant or solar panel will do.
  19. S

    Using Cheats

    Exactly bro. It's so embarrassing to cheat in a game! Haha, that funny/awkward moment when a gamer cheats even though he's playing as single player .
  20. S

    Last Game Played?

    Wow, nice story. I'm addicted too I'm sure. Which stage did you last played?