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Any tips to help low elo players climb the ladder !

Khalil A

Active Member
Jul 17, 2017
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Hello guys, a lot of league of legends players struggle to gain elo maybe duo to lack of knowledge or mechanics ... So we want you here as high elo players to give some tips to improve such as warding and decision making !
Thank you guys !


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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Play Pantheon, GGWP! Joke. I'm not a high ELO player but I noticed that I'm climbing a lot since I started having more awareness in the minimap. People really undervalue its power. Even people that ward a lot don't benefit as much as people that check the minimap from every 5 seconds. Decision making i think it's very important to understand what objectives you should go after. You ace the enemy team, what you do? You should try to get something from it, obviously, like a turret, inib, or a drake/baron or even just pushing waves. You have to punish the enemy team from losing the teamfight, so don't back without profit from it. Also don't be greedy. You get an inib, don't push further to get a turret, you might lose the game from those risky plays. Reset, go back, buy stuff, get buffs and focus on pushing other lane, get more turrets, or force a teamfight if you are sure to win. These are just some tips. One interesting tip about warding is to ward the baron exactly behind him, some people have a bad time trying to destroy the ward but they just hit the baron instead.


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Jul 6, 2017
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That is something more mentality, you have to stay focused on your actions, you have to know what you can do and can not do for your team and always have an optimistic point of view do not give up even if things go wrong, because in any game things can change very quick.


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Jul 8, 2017
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I'm a Silver 4 player here (I'm a scrub lol), but I think realizing of what mistake you did when you die is a really great tip to improve. When I find out what is the mistake that I did, I'll make sure I won't do it again on my next respawn. Works wonders for me.


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Jul 10, 2017
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The simplest but best tip I can give is play ranked. You can't climb if you don't play it. For decision making, play dumb so you can learn how to play smart. Do whatever you feel is right and if things don't work out, go back and analyze the situation. Come up with a better decision and try that next time. In my opinion the best way to improve is to teach yourself. I also think that warding is something you learn from experience (when junglers gank, where they come from, where they are, etc.) and can also be relative to your Elo. Warding one way might be great in bronze but terrible in platinum, or visa versa. To sum up, sure watching videos of the basics may help but teaching yourself is the most efficient way to improve.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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You said you lack mechanics and the only real way of getting them is by playing games... you should be spamming those games. Only pick 1-2 champions for every lane and ONLY play those. Don't play 50 different champions because it will only cause you to lose your ELO. By playing a lot you will start developing certain muscle memory and you will soon notice that cs is easier, knowing when to trade is easier and more.

For the very basic things such as when to ward and so on, I'd really suggest you check out the Reddit's summonerschool where people have many different questions and people answer them. Or perhaps look for guides that contain all of the information. It's pretty easy to find :)


Active Member
Jul 23, 2017
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Play champions that can carry the game alone, the best positions to carry the team are a jungle and mid lane. Because they can help other lanes to win. Also, don't flame and don't be rude to other players because that decreases the morale of your team. Just believe in yourself and be positive if you will play well then you will climb the ladder there is no need to rage on others.