Well, Christino Ronaldo of Real Madrid is my best player when it comes to any player in any game, be it Fifa or PES.
His speed and firing shot power is what makes me pick him over any other player. He can sprint pass any player and hit the ball from half way line and still score.[/QUOTE]
He is definitely a good soccer player, but he is extremely overrated (I mean...
extremely! :emoji-rage

and personally, he seems to be an inedible and very arrogant person. :triumph:
If you are good at what you do, you got to have the feeling of being on top of the world no doubt. Most footballers have their pride and humble moments.
He might behave like a king on the pitch but deep down the heart and off the pitch he is a dove and loves to help people. Talking about arrogant, what about Zalatan? He is the most arrogant player I have ever known, even though I happens to love him a lot .