What is your level of desperation for playing your favourite games?
When I get addicted to a particular game I can play it over and over again for hours. All I keep thinking is about the game and my strategy in playing it.
Work, food, sleep and everything else take a back seat and playing the game becomes my biggest desire. In one of those peak periods of addiction I dream about the game as well.
I'm very desperate for games. I think it's just my addiction that I play so many games. Day can't pass if I don't play some games.
Yeah, I have tons of work currently and I haven't even touched a game at all this week. I start the game, look at the start screen for a few minutes, realize this will take a lot of time and I really need to finish a lot of work, and I close it. It's sad considering when I was growing up, all I wanted to do was play games but my computer couldn't run them. Now that I have a gaming rig, I don't have the time or energy to play games. Cruel irony.I have long gone surpassed the stage of desperation in gaming. Now i am a casual gamer. Play if i have time, and if i can't, its ok as well...
Yes I always try to find some time to play the games. I usually stop doing other tasks and concentrate on the game only. This can be really bad at times. I also try to play before bedtime and on many occasions I went to sleep quite late at night.Yeah...we feel bad when we are unable to fetch time for playing a game we are obsessed with. I feel very irritated at that time and will play the game at any cost. It is usually my sleeping time that goes in playing games.
Gaming desperation can be lethal at times. Once I missed a big career opportunity only because I did not complete my assignment on time. But obviously it was my favorite game that ate up all of my time. Although I regretted this later, but still all is fair in game and love... LOLYes I always try to find some time to play the games. I usually stop doing other tasks and concentrate on the game only. This can be really bad at times. I also try to play before bedtime and on many occasions I went to sleep quite late at night.
LOL! Is this really for real?Gaming desperation can be lethal at times. Once I missed a big career opportunity only because I did not complete my assignment on time. But obviously it was my favorite game that ate up all of my time. Although I regretted this later, but still all is fair in game and love... LOL
Yeah...this is a true incident which happened a year back. Since then I always keep a balance between my work and gaming.Gaming is for our leisure and cannot fetch us a living. We need to work so as to earn money and survive in this world. A proper balance between the two needs to be made. Though maintaining this balance is a daunting and tricky task but a strong will power and proper planning can make things work out very easily.LOL! Is this really for real?But I admit it happened to me too. But not to the point that I totally missed the opportunity or something. I guess I got lucky fortunately I was forgiven for my tardiness.
The truth is I was finishing up a game which can't be paused or if I leave, I'd surely have penalties. Hehehe.
This hasn't happen to me in a long time now! I don't mean to offend you but the way you described it, it seems a bit of a problem... Of course to each one its own but I guess if you are that desperate to play to the point you can't do anything else. Maybe you should rethink how much time you are investing on playing games...
I will tell you truth, I play games and I play for recreational purpose, which means I play only when I want to relax and have spare time. Therefore, you will never see me playing games during working hours or late night. I am not desperate for a game. In fact I can go online for weeks and months without playing a game.
I don't really... have much of a level of desperation for any particular or favorite games. I tend to have more of a general desperation for "I want to do something fun" after doing a lot of work, but I don't find myself so heavily addicted to the extent that I get outright cravings for gaming most of the time (but then, I've had to ignore what cravings I did get enough, so maybe I just don't notice them anymore?)