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Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale PS4


Active Member
Jun 28, 2017
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Have you ever been a PlayStation fanboy who has always been envious of your N64 owning or Gamecube owning friend bragging about Super Smash Bros.? Were you a Playstation fanboy who was kinda tired of your Nintendo owning friends as they would start talking about their four player matches the other night as they battled with their favorite Nintendo characters?I was that sort. I used to comfort myself by saying that I had Tekken and that it was an awesome game, but deep down, I was envious.

That's why I was so happy when Sony released PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale for the PS3 back in 2012. It was an obviously blatant attempt to match Nintendo's prized cross-over fighting game. Though it was not as awesome as Super Smash Bros, it was still a great, fun 4-player fighting game. No longer could others brag about Super Smash Bros. because Sony already had an answer for that.

What made the game very fun to play was its 4-player mayhem that featured different characters from the PlayStation universe like Kratos, Nathan Drake, Nariko, and Big Daddy. It has now been years since this game was released and I'm kind of craving for a sequel to come out for the PS4. What's taking Sony so long to make another All-Star Battle Royale game? Let's let Sony know that we want a followup. :)
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Active Member
Jul 23, 2017
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I have never played this game before but I have heard a lot about this game from my Nintendo friends who would brag tirelessly about it. Yeah, Tekken is one of my most favorite games till today yet deep down I had a feeling that why not a game like that for the PlayStation gamers. And yes Sony heard the cries and released this 4 player battle game. I have to say they have given their best. :)


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
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I just bought the game a few months ago because it was on sale for a few bucks. I really enjoyed it and would love it if they made another Battle Royale for PS4. It's not as great as Super Smash Bros but it was good enough. Nintendo and Sony should make a Super Smash Battle Royale mashup game with Nintendo vs Sony characters. That would pretty cool with cross platform multiplayer.


Active Member
Jun 19, 2017
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Nintendo and Sony should make a Super Smash Battle Royale mashup game with Nintendo vs Sony characters. That would pretty cool with cross platform multiplayer.

Realistically speaking this is never going to happen but boy, what wouldn't I give up to have a Ultimate Royale Smash. Kind of reminds me of how great the vs. Capcom series was, I love crossover games like that. They'd get my money so fast.