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What do you do when you have a flamer on your team?


Active Member
Jul 10, 2017
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For me it depends on who they are flaming. If they are flaming my teammate I just mute them and move on. If I am getting flamed I usually /mute all and wait until I start doing well. After my play improves I unmute them and it's usually fine. I don't report flamers because I feel that they are never punished. I have had so many terrible flamers that I report and nothing ever happens.


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Jul 10, 2017
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From a distant episode where I tilted to the outer face of the earth, I muted the enemy team, and don't communicate with them until the victory or defeat logo appears. It's a waste of time trying to communicate with the people that want to win LP from you, so the idea is always to invest that time on being friendly towards your team. If in your team, a flamer shows (i don't know why but this made me think like a wild Pokemon showing, sorry about the reference), I just tell him to focus on the game in order to win and try to be cheerful. If I for some reason make a bad play, always say sorry! It's a free "untilter". If any of the above works, mute all until further notice, for example, you make a huge comeback and need to shot call inib or baron, or even split pushing. Also, if you get affected, do as Riot new tip during game says: "Take a deep breath!".


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Jul 11, 2017
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Whenever I see someone who's a huge flamer in a game, I usually mute them and let my teammates know that I'm muting them so that if they say anything important for once I won't see it (and they'll have to communicate the strategy to me instead). If I'm with friends, I'll often leave them unmuted and laugh with my friends about how stupid that flamer is acting.


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Jul 6, 2017
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i just mute them, There is no point in wasting time fighting with them, since they did not offer anything important to the experience and if one wants to win less case should be done, just let them be consumed in their anger and continue to play, in the end they are the ones who suffer.

Khalil A

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Jul 17, 2017
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Muting is always the best option. Do not care about any word. Focus on your gameplay and do not tilt, if you are flamed by an ennemy, then reply in an ironic way to make him tilt and since he's tilting, the game start becoming free. What is important is to control yourself and concentrate, send positive energy to good teammates for a good senergy and don't forget to report flamers !


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Jul 8, 2017
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We all have been in the situation of having a toxic player on our team, and it is the worst :persevere: it's really frustration that someone cannot understand her/his own mistakes, someone who don't allow any errs from anybody. And I also know, that we all been the flamer, don't lie to me :tearsofjoy: or it was just me? :sweatsmile:

I just wanted to ask you, how do you deal with this issue?
I tend to mute them and ignore their attitude, then focus on my game and try to do my best, but sometimes that's really hard to do :weary:​
I play League of Legends and if they are not really helping with whatever they are saying on chat, I'll just mute them. Reading the chat will just tilt you and that could make you underperform during the match.

Sometimes though when they are really being an annoying flamer, I try to outflame them. I know I shouldn't do this but I snap every one's in a while at them. I call it outflaming since I try to deflect their insults and their blames back at them. I know it's wrong but it's really refreshing as you somehow attain justice and most of the time my other teammates will side with me since they know I am in the right side of things.


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May 21, 2017
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When I first started playing, I actually used to get pretty upset when people flamed me but now it doesn't really phase me at all. Sometimes I get a bit irritated when someone blames me for something even though it wasn't my fault, but I just ignore them. I don't respond to flamers anymore and sometimes I mute them, but I usually don't because I find flamers kind of entertaining actually. Usually if they're flaming me, they're flaming others as well, so I just wait until someone else in my team speaks up.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
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From a distant episode where I tilted to the outer face of the earth, I muted the enemy team, and don't communicate with them until the victory or defeat logo appears. It's a waste of time trying to communicate with the people that want to win LP from you, so the idea is always to invest that time on being friendly towards your team. If in your team, a flamer shows (i don't know why but this made me think like a wild Pokemon showing, sorry about the reference), I just tell him to focus on the game in order to win and try to be cheerful. If I for some reason make a bad play, always say sorry! It's a free "untilter". If any of the above works, mute all until further notice, for example, you make a huge comeback and need to shot call inib or baron, or even split pushing. Also, if you get affected, do as Riot new tip during game says: "Take a deep breath!".
Sometimes is hard, there always will be a flamer that never shup up and that only concentrates on what the others do and not on what he does is a big problem, when the communication in a group can not be stable is better to give him mute and continue to play.


Active Member
Jul 25, 2017
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Just mute or ignore them, that's the easiest and best way to deal with flamers. Don't be stupid and start a conversation with the flamer in chat or flame back because you'll just get tilted too and this will destroy the next few games you'll play. Unless of course you never tilt but that's not the truth because playing League of Legends without ever getting tilted is almost impossible.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
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I mostly just mute toxic players cause it's more convinient on my side. Although there have been times where I rebutted but it only leads to more flaming and toxicity so i try to avoid responding most of the time. If it's an enemy then i really answer back cause i feel like it adds to the fun because it adds more to what's at stake but that's me hahaha alot of people might disagree.