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Which Champion Is Currently The Most Broken?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
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Hey League of Legends player,

as you all know, when Riot makes different balancing changes and adds nerfs/buffs with the patches, you can often find some really broken items or champions. It's just bound to happen and sometimes the broken champions aren't even in the current meta so people don't realize their true potential.

By broken, I don't mean strong but I'm talking about the point where it's completely overpowered. So, what do you think? Which champion is currently broken and would need some nerfs?


Active Member
Aug 10, 2017
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From my experience these last few days, I believe it should be Jarvan IV, he was, simply put, ridiculously strong and at the same time ridiculously tanky, specially after finishing his full build, it is absurd how he can finish me, an ad carry, with an ult and two simple auto attacks, then turn on the Gargoyle Stoneplate and just tank all the leftover damages. In lane too, his q do too much damage and at the same time it penetrates armor, so his passive hurts like hell. I would have started on his e and q, but that combo I can evade, it’s just that the ulti and auto attack with passive, specially when he builds some lethality, would kill me instantly and I have no way to evade them.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2017
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For me, it is Zac. He is THE secret weapon. Oh my, his ganks are really heavy! His amount of CC is out of this world. Is really annoying when I’m stomping my lane (I main ADC and support) and he appears and takes us under the turret with his ulti. The worst comes when you try to run away but he uses his E… Plus, his passive is something to be watching. When you think you’ve slayed him, he appears and keeps dealing crazy amounts of CC.