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Search results

  1. jitendra0341

    When did you last upgrade your PC hardware?

    Hello Inqogn1to, thanks. I myself has changed some hardware specification for better results. It is like making new kind of PC yourself. I had changed RAM, processor to higher version, Motherboard to be compatible with the processor. This is all done for the sake of better gaming experience.
  2. jitendra0341

    What do you all do for a living?

    Good job you are doing. We can earn money not only from forum posting but some other way is there. We can go for blogging, data entry jobs,ad posting jobs,survey jobs,captcha jobs are there. We have to manage all these according to our time to make them useful to have full earning for ourselves.
  3. jitendra0341

    Do you dream about your game?

    Yes, balance life is what should everyone do. Over dependence on game for having fun is not good for our health and mind. It badly affect our routine work. We are unable to do normal chores of our daily life.No matter sometime we dream about being in a game having fun in that moment. We should...
  4. jitendra0341

    Do you like playing your game with your siblings?

    Yes I like to play games with my siblings. They are easy to find when we need a partner to play a games. We can have great competition and fight with them.We always discuss about new games in the market. We plan to get latest arrival and reach market place to sort our which type of games we can...
  5. jitendra0341

    PC or xbox? Which to get?

    I have also same view as you. PC has more option for more games. Basically all the games we see can be played in our PC. Our computer is competent in playing those games. Other device like console, Xbox and PS are limited to some version of the games. We need to upgrade it every time for new...
  6. jitendra0341

    Do you spend money on gaming gear?

    It is ok to be that kind of person not required any new tools to enhance the games quality.We play games to get fun and enjoyment. We can get it with friends around us. Going with them (friends) is always a better option. This is real fun in real world. Good choice.
  7. jitendra0341

    Using Cheats

    Cheats are ok. We should not use them for all games. They seize the charm of the games. So better be ward off this tool to apply. The more difficulty a game present the more fun we get out of that. It gives real satisfaction to achieve something without any help.
  8. jitendra0341

    Are there any games you can play over and over and never tire of?

    Truly said. There are lots of games over there to play again and again.Survival games are always look new whenever we go for playing it. It demands new adventure and we feel much excited in them. This makes these type of game more enjoyable to play it several times. I am not a guy to play any...
  9. jitendra0341

    How many games do you own?

    Learning trading game comes with experience. We commit some mistakes in promoting ourselves among our peers and acquaintances in our initial stage. Once it is over we become popular among friends look for the trading games. It gives us popularity and income option for us. This also helps to give...
  10. jitendra0341

    Do you dream about your game?

    True . It happens many times that when we are used to a games. It become an addiction for us and we confuse the imaginary games to be real sometimes making our life more vulnerable. Prevention is better than cure as it says old man.
  11. jitendra0341

    PC or xbox? Which to get?

    For all type of new games PC is the best option to play games. It has all the required hardware and software updates for any games we need. There is always competition among Play Station and Xbox that which is better option in console section.Some games are playable in console and most of the...
  12. jitendra0341

    When did you last upgrade your PC hardware?

    Not all the time we require up-gradation of our PC. We buy best PC at the time of our purchase. It goes smooth for a long time and we don't require to change anything. Some games demands high level of Graphics card to be used, others has different needs.Currently my PC is working as per my...
  13. jitendra0341

    Difficulty or Fun?

    True. It depends on which type of game we going to play or playing.We find it to be difficult when we start to play a new game. It happens to everyone at some point of time in playing a game. That is the main attraction of the game. The more difficulty we face, the more fun we get out of that...
  14. jitendra0341

    When did you last upgrade your PC hardware?

    I upgraded my pc from core to duo to i3 processor and I also changed motherboard to G41. It was 8 months ago when I did it. Now all my games are performing better tan before. And I am happy with it.
  15. jitendra0341

    Own/Owned An Android Phone?

    I have Xiomi note 4 and Leeco 1s phones with me . Both are excellent in features. They give good experience n gaming.
  16. jitendra0341

    Desktop or Laptop, which one is better for games?

    It is desktop always. Desktop has more options than a laptop. We can have bigger screen in desktop pc. Even we can attach extra hardwares to the pc for gaming. This can not be done in a laptop. Playing experience is better.
  17. jitendra0341

    Do you dream about your game?

    Certainly. My answer for this question will be yes. Yes I do. What happens we play games for hours and fully engrossed in them.We imagine our self to be actively involve in the games. This create the environment that we always tend to see dreams about those games we played. It feels amazing ad...
  18. jitendra0341

    Do you like sharing your games?

    Yes. I like to share my games with friends and acquaintances. I get some other useful stuff from them. They have unique and latest games that I was unable to get somehow.This also applies to my friends . They find my collection unmatched and ready to get those one. They feel excited to see these...
  19. jitendra0341

    How do you buy your games?

    I also do both. If I found a particular game I am searching for is available in my nearby market I go and purchase it. I do get games on internet. Some are available free to some sites and others I purchase online. Stream and origin both are good to get new games.
  20. jitendra0341

    PC or xbox? Which to get?

    I play PC and PS4 for playing games. XBOX I did not try. But I think PS is the best option available if we talk about console outside PC. It has all the facility present for playing full strength of a play.